My sisters tried to persuade me that we should get my parents a Wii for Christmas. I literally thought they were crazy. I had never used a Wii but knew what it was and the games that were involved. I could never imagine MY parents playing with the Wii, especially knowing them the way I do. I was almost sure they did not even know what a Wii was. My sisters assured me over and over that my parents would use and love the game system, so I went along and agreed to get the game.
My skepticism subsided when I saw my mother's 'kid in a candy store' expression as she unwrapped the Wii system on Christmas morning. Then all doubt was erased as my entire family spent hours playing with the system the day after Christmas. It was so fun to play and it was great to see everyone enjoying themselves. Since learning how to operate the system, my parents have gotten into making their mi's, the games (especially bowling), and all the features they can use. My parents continue to practice and suggest playing a game or two at any chance. The Wii was such a great idea for my parents and the family.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Thursday, December 18, 2008
5 Finals Down, One More to Go!
Study break for the evening. Since I am entirely burnt out, I CANNOT wait for tomorrow afternoon at 12pm. I will be DONE with the semester!
Instructions: Read each question carefully. Answer all questions.Time limit: 2 hours. Begin immediately.
Mathematics: Derive the Euler-Cauchy equations using only a straightedge and compass. Discuss in detail the role these equations had on mathematical analysis in Europe during the 1800s.
Medicine: You have been provided with a razor blade, a piece of gauze, and a bottle of scotch. Remove your appendix. Do not suture until you work has been inspected. You have fifteen minutes.
Metaphysics: Describe in detail the probably nature of life after death. Test your hypothesis.
Music: Write a piano concerto. Orchestrate and perform it with flute and drum. You will find a piano under your seat.
Philosophy: Sketch the development of human thought. Estimate its significance. Compare with the development of any other kind of thought.
Physchology: Based on your knowledge of their works, evaluate the emotional stability, degree of adjustment, and repressed frustrations of each of the following: Alexander of Aphrodisis, Rameses II, Hammuarabi. Support your evaluation with quotations from each man's work, making appropriate references. It is not necessary to translate.
Physics: Explain the nature of matter. Include in your answer an evaluation of the impact of the development of mathematics on science.
Political Science: There is a red telephone on the desk beside you. Start World War III. Report at length on its socio-political effects if any.
Public Speaking: 2500 riot-crazed aborigines are storming the classroom. Calm them. You may use any ancient language except Latin or Greek.
Religion: Perform a miracle. Creativity will be judged.
Sociology: Estimate the sociological problems which might accompany the end of the world. Construct an experiment to test your theory.
Extra Credit: Define the universe, and give three examples.
Instructions: Read each question carefully. Answer all questions.Time limit: 2 hours. Begin immediately.
History: Describe the history of the Papacy from its origins to the present day, concentrating especially, but not exclusively, on its Europe, Asia, America and Africa. Be brief, concise and specific.
Mathematics: Derive the Euler-Cauchy equations using only a straightedge and compass. Discuss in detail the role these equations had on mathematical analysis in Europe during the 1800s.
Medicine: You have been provided with a razor blade, a piece of gauze, and a bottle of scotch. Remove your appendix. Do not suture until you work has been inspected. You have fifteen minutes.
Metaphysics: Describe in detail the probably nature of life after death. Test your hypothesis.
Music: Write a piano concerto. Orchestrate and perform it with flute and drum. You will find a piano under your seat.
Philosophy: Sketch the development of human thought. Estimate its significance. Compare with the development of any other kind of thought.
Physchology: Based on your knowledge of their works, evaluate the emotional stability, degree of adjustment, and repressed frustrations of each of the following: Alexander of Aphrodisis, Rameses II, Hammuarabi. Support your evaluation with quotations from each man's work, making appropriate references. It is not necessary to translate.
Physics: Explain the nature of matter. Include in your answer an evaluation of the impact of the development of mathematics on science.
Political Science: There is a red telephone on the desk beside you. Start World War III. Report at length on its socio-political effects if any.
Public Speaking: 2500 riot-crazed aborigines are storming the classroom. Calm them. You may use any ancient language except Latin or Greek.
Religion: Perform a miracle. Creativity will be judged.
Sociology: Estimate the sociological problems which might accompany the end of the world. Construct an experiment to test your theory.
Extra Credit: Define the universe, and give three examples.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Another Study Break...
More Impossible Final Exams:
Instructions: Read each question carefully. Answer all questions.Time limit: 2 hours. Begin immediately.
Economics: Develop a realistic plan for refinancing the national debt. Trace the possible effects of your plan in the following areas: Cubism, the Donatist Controversy and the Wave Theory of Light. Outline a method for preventing these effects. Criticize this method from all possible points of view. Point out the deficiencies in your point of view, as demonstrated in your answer to the last question.
Electrical Engineering: You will be placed in a nuclear reactor and given a partial copy of the electrical layout. The electrical system has been tampered with. You have seventeen minutes to find the problem and correct it before the reactor melts down.
Engineering: The disassembled parts of a high-powered rifle have been placed on your desk. You will also find an instruction manual, printed in Swahili. In 10 minutes, a hungry bengal tiger will be admitted to the room. Take whatever action you feel necessary. Be prepared to justify your decision.
Epistemology: Take a position for or against truth. Prove the validity of your stand.
General Knowledge: Describe in detail. Be objective and specific.
"Final Exam"
Four college friends were so confident that the weekend before finals, they decided to go up to Dallas and party with some friends up there. They had a great time. However, after all the partying, they slept all day Sunday and didn't make it back to Austin until early Monday morning.
Rather than taking the final then, they decided to find their professor after the final and explain to him why they missed it.
They explained that they had gone to Dallas for the weekend with the plan to come back and study but, unfortunately, they had a flat tire on the way back, didn't have a spare, and couldn't get help for a long time. As a result, they missed the final.
The Professor thought it over and then agreed they could make up the final the following day. The guys were elated and relieved.
They studied that night and went in the next day at the time the professor had told them. He placed them in separate rooms and handed each of them a test booklet, and told them to begin.
They looked at the first problem, worth 5 points. It was something simple about free radical formation. "Cool," they thought at the same time, each one in his separate room. "This is going to be easy."
Each finished the problem and then turned the page. On the second page was written:
(For 95 points): Which tire?
Friday, December 12, 2008
A break from studying...
Since final exams are this week, I wanted to include some ‘finals’ humor.
Instructions: Read each question carefully. Answer all questions.Time limit: 2 hours. Begin immediately.
Art: Given one eight-count box of crayons and three sheets of notebook paper, recreate the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. Skin tones should be true to life.
Biology: Create life. Estimate the differences in subsequent human culture if this form of life had developed 500 million years earlier, with special attention to its probable effect on the English Parliamentary System circa 1750. Prove your thesis.
Chemistry: You must identify a poison sample which you will find at your lab table. All necessary equipment has been provided. There are two beakers at your desk, one of which holds the antidote. If the wrong substance is used, it causes instant death. You may begin as soon as the professor injects you with a sample of the poison. (We feel this will give you an incentive to find the correct answer.)
Civil Engineering: This is a practical test of your design and building skills. With the boxes of toothpicks and glue present, build a platform that will support your weight when you and your platform are suspended over a vat of nitric acid.
Computer Science: Write a fifth-generation computer language. Using this language, write a computer program to finish the rest of this exam for you.
If only it were this easy...
Smart Students Taking A Final Exam
A professor stood before his class of 20 senior organic biology students, about to hand out the final exam.
"I want to say that it's been a pleasure teaching you this semester. I know you've all worked extremely hard and many of you are off to medical school after summer. So that no one gets their GPA messed up because they might have been celebrating a bit too much this week, anyone who would like to opt out of the final exam today will receive a 'B' for the course."
There was much rejoicing amongst the class as students got up, passed by the professor to thank him and sign out on his offer. As the last taker left the room, the professor looked out over the handful of remaining students and asked, "Any one else? This is your last chance." One final student rose up and took the offer.
The professor closed the door and took attendance of those students remaining. "I'm glad to see you believe in yourself." he said. "You all have 'A's."
Instructions: Read each question carefully. Answer all questions.Time limit: 2 hours. Begin immediately.
Art: Given one eight-count box of crayons and three sheets of notebook paper, recreate the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. Skin tones should be true to life.
Biology: Create life. Estimate the differences in subsequent human culture if this form of life had developed 500 million years earlier, with special attention to its probable effect on the English Parliamentary System circa 1750. Prove your thesis.
Chemistry: You must identify a poison sample which you will find at your lab table. All necessary equipment has been provided. There are two beakers at your desk, one of which holds the antidote. If the wrong substance is used, it causes instant death. You may begin as soon as the professor injects you with a sample of the poison. (We feel this will give you an incentive to find the correct answer.)
Civil Engineering: This is a practical test of your design and building skills. With the boxes of toothpicks and glue present, build a platform that will support your weight when you and your platform are suspended over a vat of nitric acid.
Computer Science: Write a fifth-generation computer language. Using this language, write a computer program to finish the rest of this exam for you.
If only it were this easy...
Smart Students Taking A Final Exam
A professor stood before his class of 20 senior organic biology students, about to hand out the final exam.
"I want to say that it's been a pleasure teaching you this semester. I know you've all worked extremely hard and many of you are off to medical school after summer. So that no one gets their GPA messed up because they might have been celebrating a bit too much this week, anyone who would like to opt out of the final exam today will receive a 'B' for the course."
There was much rejoicing amongst the class as students got up, passed by the professor to thank him and sign out on his offer. As the last taker left the room, the professor looked out over the handful of remaining students and asked, "Any one else? This is your last chance." One final student rose up and took the offer.
The professor closed the door and took attendance of those students remaining. "I'm glad to see you believe in yourself." he said. "You all have 'A's."
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Can I like one half of school?
With finals coming up next week, I HATE school right now and just want to be done. I wish I was done with academics, graduated and moved on because I hate the stress that comes along with school, especially when finals are around. Everyone just wants to do their best and when a test determines a quarter to one half of your grade, there is a lot of pressure to do well. I also hate the extra ‘stuff’ you have to do outside of school for classes. The tests, the exams, the papers, the projects, the assignments all make school more of an assessment than purely a place to learn. It would be great if school was like the ideal 9 to 5 job in that you could leave school at school and not have to work on it at home or on the weekends. Sadly, school is your life when you are at college.
After all that complaining, almost scary to say this outloud but….I actually like school. Contradictory to everything I just talked about? I know. I like school just not the evaluations, exams, papers, and finals that come along with it. I really enjoy going to classes that I am interested in and learning new things, I wish I could just remember everything I learned. I wish I could go to class to simply learn and not have to deal with the evaluations that accompany every class. If this were the case, I could become a lifetime student. I would not mind learning everyday. Think of the possibilities. If I knew and could remember everything I learned, I could potentially cure cancer or teach everyone everything that I know to make everyone else just as knowledgeable. School really is a GREAT place, if I could just skip over all the extra things I hate. I guess life would be too easy if people could just skip over everything they did not like and only live up the parts they loved. Living through the stuff you don’t like, makes the rest even better.
After all that complaining, almost scary to say this outloud but….I actually like school. Contradictory to everything I just talked about? I know. I like school just not the evaluations, exams, papers, and finals that come along with it. I really enjoy going to classes that I am interested in and learning new things, I wish I could just remember everything I learned. I wish I could go to class to simply learn and not have to deal with the evaluations that accompany every class. If this were the case, I could become a lifetime student. I would not mind learning everyday. Think of the possibilities. If I knew and could remember everything I learned, I could potentially cure cancer or teach everyone everything that I know to make everyone else just as knowledgeable. School really is a GREAT place, if I could just skip over all the extra things I hate. I guess life would be too easy if people could just skip over everything they did not like and only live up the parts they loved. Living through the stuff you don’t like, makes the rest even better.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Grip Marks On a Steering Wheel
Driving back to Drake after Thanksgiving break was interesting as I left home it was raining/snowing a nasty mess until about 100 miles outside of Chicago. I was fine with this mix of sleet because it was wet but not too heavy. After passing the Mississippi river about 1.5 hours later, it started to snow without the wet rain. I was still OK with this as the flakes were big but not sticking too much to the ground and traffic was minimal. Around Iowa City it was snowing more and the traffic got so backed up that I was standing still on an interstate, yes an interstate full of cars and no one was moving. Still bearable as I was on my phone with my cousin for about an hour trying to get my mind off of the delay.
The wind started to really pick up, really... it started to blow the whole world around. I gripped tighter onto the steering wheel as the car began to move with the wind. Road signs were shaking around and blowing in the snarly gusts. I had to really try to kept the car going straight in the interstate lanes. It was getting darker as it was getting later in the day and the snow was not letting up. The wind blew the snow around and formed a screen in front of the car. By this time I could not see more than about 200 feet in front of my car and could feel the ice begging to form on the road under the wheels. I only had about 60 or so miles left to Des Moines, but they were some of the most nerve racking miles.
Good place to remember that I HATE driving! (mostly due to an accident I had in high school)
I gripped the wheel tighter as my car began to slide around as the ground was freezing up and the wind strengthening. All the cars began to slow as everyone was experiencing the same lack of control. I was driving fast as I slowed to about 35-40mph on the interstate. Every 2 miles or so there was another car spun into a ditch or a cop helping a driver that hit a fence off the road. I gripped the wheel even more praying that I would not end up like one of those drivers. The car in front of me began to break, which was the worst thing to do on the icy road. I tried to break and the car began to fishtail but thank goodness no one was behind me for a mile or so. I still could not see in front of the car and was squeezing the leather out of the wheel as I gained control of the car. I was more nervous than ever evident by the fact that I could barely hold my bladder any longer...
But I made the bathroom but more importantly to my apartment in one piece. I was so happy to just be off the road. While unpacking my car, I noticed though that my hands were all red and swollen and that the steering wheel was all misshapen from me hanging on for dear life.
The wind started to really pick up, really... it started to blow the whole world around. I gripped tighter onto the steering wheel as the car began to move with the wind. Road signs were shaking around and blowing in the snarly gusts. I had to really try to kept the car going straight in the interstate lanes. It was getting darker as it was getting later in the day and the snow was not letting up. The wind blew the snow around and formed a screen in front of the car. By this time I could not see more than about 200 feet in front of my car and could feel the ice begging to form on the road under the wheels. I only had about 60 or so miles left to Des Moines, but they were some of the most nerve racking miles.
Good place to remember that I HATE driving! (mostly due to an accident I had in high school)
I gripped the wheel tighter as my car began to slide around as the ground was freezing up and the wind strengthening. All the cars began to slow as everyone was experiencing the same lack of control. I was driving fast as I slowed to about 35-40mph on the interstate. Every 2 miles or so there was another car spun into a ditch or a cop helping a driver that hit a fence off the road. I gripped the wheel even more praying that I would not end up like one of those drivers. The car in front of me began to break, which was the worst thing to do on the icy road. I tried to break and the car began to fishtail but thank goodness no one was behind me for a mile or so. I still could not see in front of the car and was squeezing the leather out of the wheel as I gained control of the car. I was more nervous than ever evident by the fact that I could barely hold my bladder any longer...
But I made the bathroom but more importantly to my apartment in one piece. I was so happy to just be off the road. While unpacking my car, I noticed though that my hands were all red and swollen and that the steering wheel was all misshapen from me hanging on for dear life.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
What I am Always Thankful for:
1. My health...would be nowhere without it
2. My rock of support and love
3. My friends...make me who I am
4. My soon to be niece/nephew...someone new to spoil
6. My education...all of the knowledge and opportunities
7. My blessings...skills and abilities that make me who I am
Friday, November 21, 2008
Could have fooled anyone with that one!
I was giving flu shots the other day at a local pharmacy and overheard a conversation that made me laugh so hard and I nearly ended up with an accident in my pants.
A man walks into the pharmacy and requests to get a refill on his Vicodin (a pain medication whose dispensing to patient's is controlled because it can be easily abused and sold on the black market).
Pharmacist: "I am sorry sir, the doctor denied the request for refills. He said you should still have pills left from last week."
Patient: "You called the wrong doctor; he cut me off of Vicodin - call this other guy, he'll get me those refills. "
So we may look dorky in our white coats, but pharmacists are not that dumb. Good try though!
Some more funny excuses:
~I need to get my Vicodin filled early because Saturday is my birthday.
~My sister's dog died and I need my Vicodin refilled early so that I can go to the funeral.
~My house burned down and I was able to get all of my meds out except for my Oxycontin.
~I don’t care if both yours and the pharmacies records show it’s ten days early for my refill, one of you is lying.
~My truck was stolen and my Morphine was in it.
~I left the trunk open when I brought my groceries in. My vicodin was in one of the bags and someone stole that bag out of my trunk. No, I don’t need any of my other meds, they were in a different bag.
~I opened my Opana bottle in the driveway, dropped it and the pills spilled everywhere. It was raining, and they melted, so I guess I need a new prescription.
A man walks into the pharmacy and requests to get a refill on his Vicodin (a pain medication whose dispensing to patient's is controlled because it can be easily abused and sold on the black market).
Pharmacist: "I am sorry sir, the doctor denied the request for refills. He said you should still have pills left from last week."
Patient: "You called the wrong doctor; he cut me off of Vicodin - call this other guy, he'll get me those refills. "
So we may look dorky in our white coats, but pharmacists are not that dumb. Good try though!
Some more funny excuses:
~I need to get my Vicodin filled early because Saturday is my birthday.
~My sister's dog died and I need my Vicodin refilled early so that I can go to the funeral.
~My house burned down and I was able to get all of my meds out except for my Oxycontin.
~I don’t care if both yours and the pharmacies records show it’s ten days early for my refill, one of you is lying.
~My truck was stolen and my Morphine was in it.
~I left the trunk open when I brought my groceries in. My vicodin was in one of the bags and someone stole that bag out of my trunk. No, I don’t need any of my other meds, they were in a different bag.
~I opened my Opana bottle in the driveway, dropped it and the pills spilled everywhere. It was raining, and they melted, so I guess I need a new prescription.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Join a "Cool" Club!
Just like any profession, pharmacy has an abundance of professional pharmacy organizations. Each one is a little different in that some focus on retail pharmacy, some focus on clinical pharmacy, some focus on student pharmacists, some focus on pharmacy management, some focus on independent pharmacy, you get my point.
Previously I thought joining these organizations was like joining some secret society or paying for friends, or just paying to put something else on your resume. But if you get involved and are interested in your profession the organizations become more than just an annual bill you have to pay to be accepted by others. Membership in the professional organizations are a great idea for any pharmacy because they offer you opportunities to become more involved in your profession, such as taking part in clinical screenings, attending conferences, and keeping you up to date on changes within your profession, through newsletters and meetings. The organizations also provide you with amazing networking opportunities through networking nights, conferences, interviews, mentorships, etc. As I have learned networking is one of the most important activities as you grow up and start your career. In our world today, who you know or who knows you is almost more important than most other things. From getting a job, getting into a bar, getting a discount, or finding help, networking is the foundation.
Through all these realizations I joined NCPA or National Community Pharmacy Association. It focuses on independent pharmacy and personal ownership/management within the profession. Somewhat random with why I ended up choosing this organization but it has been a good thing since I did join. The organization, like most others offers conferences, midyear meetings, annual meetings, etc. I have been happy with my membership as they have helped sponsor me to attend a conference already this year.
Whatever your career, hobbies or age, find a group that shares your interests. The group will help expand your interests, help you network with others, and help you learn more about other people’s views. People like to feel apart of something…so find your ‘secret’ society, facebook group, professional organization, or reading club...BECOME APART OF IT!
Previously I thought joining these organizations was like joining some secret society or paying for friends, or just paying to put something else on your resume. But if you get involved and are interested in your profession the organizations become more than just an annual bill you have to pay to be accepted by others. Membership in the professional organizations are a great idea for any pharmacy because they offer you opportunities to become more involved in your profession, such as taking part in clinical screenings, attending conferences, and keeping you up to date on changes within your profession, through newsletters and meetings. The organizations also provide you with amazing networking opportunities through networking nights, conferences, interviews, mentorships, etc. As I have learned networking is one of the most important activities as you grow up and start your career. In our world today, who you know or who knows you is almost more important than most other things. From getting a job, getting into a bar, getting a discount, or finding help, networking is the foundation.
Through all these realizations I joined NCPA or National Community Pharmacy Association. It focuses on independent pharmacy and personal ownership/management within the profession. Somewhat random with why I ended up choosing this organization but it has been a good thing since I did join. The organization, like most others offers conferences, midyear meetings, annual meetings, etc. I have been happy with my membership as they have helped sponsor me to attend a conference already this year.
Whatever your career, hobbies or age, find a group that shares your interests. The group will help expand your interests, help you network with others, and help you learn more about other people’s views. People like to feel apart of something…so find your ‘secret’ society, facebook group, professional organization, or reading club...BECOME APART OF IT!
Friday, November 14, 2008
Serves Me Right
I was not able to eat, sleep, focus or do much of anything for the last few days. The only position that was comfortable was a motionless fetal position while I every sight or smell or food made me nauseous. I was cold but could not stop sweating and my body ached all over. Yeah, I was sick with what I believed to be something of a stomach flu. I absolutely HATE being sick. When your little at least you get to stay home and have people wait on you but as you get older being sick just means feeling crappy and not being able to do what you need or want to do.
I do most everything to avoid sickness, workout, eat well, wash my hands constantly, stray away from the ill, and take my vitamins. I guess being a college student that gets minimal sleep and is close to so many other students and being a health care professional around sick people, sickness it inevitable.
I am feeling much better physical thanks to some sleep, doing better mentally thanks to my sister answering her phone at 2:30am to listen to me vent, and a lot less stressed thanks to a wonderful professor who was very understanding of mysituation.
Well I guess it serves me right, since throughout the past two months I have been urging everyone to get their flu shots and have been administering the shots yet have not gotten one myself, I was doomed to catch something sooner or later. Stay healthy and hope YOU are feeling well!
I do most everything to avoid sickness, workout, eat well, wash my hands constantly, stray away from the ill, and take my vitamins. I guess being a college student that gets minimal sleep and is close to so many other students and being a health care professional around sick people, sickness it inevitable.
I am feeling much better physical thanks to some sleep, doing better mentally thanks to my sister answering her phone at 2:30am to listen to me vent, and a lot less stressed thanks to a wonderful professor who was very understanding of mysituation.
Well I guess it serves me right, since throughout the past two months I have been urging everyone to get their flu shots and have been administering the shots yet have not gotten one myself, I was doomed to catch something sooner or later. Stay healthy and hope YOU are feeling well!
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Weekend In Drew Carey's Home
While it snowed and dropped about 30 degrees in Des Moines, I was lucky enough to spend my weekend in Cleveland, Ohio. I had never been to Cleveland but even better the entire weekend was free.
I am a fairly new member of NCPA, National Community Pharmacy Association, a professional pharmacy organization but glad to be a member. A few weeks ago the organization asked the Dean’s from a few Midwest pharmacy college to nominate/seek applications from students interested in attending a pharmacy management conference. At first I was not interested learning that the conference cost upwards of $700. As a college student that is a ton of ramen, gas, and weekends out. However, I found out that NCPA along with some drug distributors were willing to provide scholarships that would pay for registration and lodging ($700+) for select applicants. My tune changed and it became HECK YES, Dorothy is applying! Even if I did not get the scholarship it was worth a try, I never turn down opportunities like these. It was free money for a conference where I could network, learn about my profession, and get away for the weekend. I turned in an application 1 hour before the deadline thinking I did not have a chance to get a scholarship considering this opportunity was open to hundreds of pharmacy students throughout the Midwest. A few days later I got a call offering me the scholarship…WOOHOO! Wait….I forgot I still had to get to Cleveland. Flying out of Des Moines is never cheap ($460 for my round trip, with layovers included), but thanks to another pharmacy organization at Drake that I took part in (I know I am involved in too many things…but it pays off eventually), I had another scholarship to help pay for traveling expenses.
So I traveled to Cleveland where I spent two and half days learning about pharmacy ownership and management. There was only one other pharmacy student, otherwise the other attendees were all pharmacist to become pharmacy owners or current pharmacy owners (owning one or a few pharmacies). As a student I felt a little intimidated by a lot of what some of these people were accomplishing but at the same time they were interested in what I was doing as a student. It was great to network and learn from these fellow professionals as well as be inspired by their success. Sounds nerdy I know, but I really took away a lot of information and am interested in the topics presented. What was even better was that I got great meals all weekend, compared to the can meals most college students try to fake “gourmet”, got to watch tons of channels, compared to the 5 channel access in my apartment, and got an entire king size bed to myself, compared to my short twin bed. I had always shared hotel rooms with my family or friends for cost or convenience reasons so this was the first time I got a room to myself. I felt spoiled and guilty but at the same time took advantage by fully enjoying it.
This weekend not only did I visit 3 different states, learned a great deal of life applicable information, networked with some successful people, and relaxed, but I got to do it all on other people’s tab. I could do this more often!
I am a fairly new member of NCPA, National Community Pharmacy Association, a professional pharmacy organization but glad to be a member. A few weeks ago the organization asked the Dean’s from a few Midwest pharmacy college to nominate/seek applications from students interested in attending a pharmacy management conference. At first I was not interested learning that the conference cost upwards of $700. As a college student that is a ton of ramen, gas, and weekends out. However, I found out that NCPA along with some drug distributors were willing to provide scholarships that would pay for registration and lodging ($700+) for select applicants. My tune changed and it became HECK YES, Dorothy is applying! Even if I did not get the scholarship it was worth a try, I never turn down opportunities like these. It was free money for a conference where I could network, learn about my profession, and get away for the weekend. I turned in an application 1 hour before the deadline thinking I did not have a chance to get a scholarship considering this opportunity was open to hundreds of pharmacy students throughout the Midwest. A few days later I got a call offering me the scholarship…WOOHOO! Wait….I forgot I still had to get to Cleveland. Flying out of Des Moines is never cheap ($460 for my round trip, with layovers included), but thanks to another pharmacy organization at Drake that I took part in (I know I am involved in too many things…but it pays off eventually), I had another scholarship to help pay for traveling expenses.
So I traveled to Cleveland where I spent two and half days learning about pharmacy ownership and management. There was only one other pharmacy student, otherwise the other attendees were all pharmacist to become pharmacy owners or current pharmacy owners (owning one or a few pharmacies). As a student I felt a little intimidated by a lot of what some of these people were accomplishing but at the same time they were interested in what I was doing as a student. It was great to network and learn from these fellow professionals as well as be inspired by their success. Sounds nerdy I know, but I really took away a lot of information and am interested in the topics presented. What was even better was that I got great meals all weekend, compared to the can meals most college students try to fake “gourmet”, got to watch tons of channels, compared to the 5 channel access in my apartment, and got an entire king size bed to myself, compared to my short twin bed. I had always shared hotel rooms with my family or friends for cost or convenience reasons so this was the first time I got a room to myself. I felt spoiled and guilty but at the same time took advantage by fully enjoying it.
This weekend not only did I visit 3 different states, learned a great deal of life applicable information, networked with some successful people, and relaxed, but I got to do it all on other people’s tab. I could do this more often!
Monday, November 3, 2008
True Meaning of a Wedding!
This past Sunday I attended the wedding for an international friend of mine where I realized the true meaning of wedding celebrations. I have always been to big weddings that people have spent lots of money on, but this wedding was different because my friend was on a very tight budget but it did not seem to matter...
The small but intimate ceremony took place in an old church that required little decoration because it was so full of character. The pastor performed, who performed the marriage ceremony, was a very good friend of the bride and groom, almost like their father. There were not many people in attendance due to the fact that the married couple are both originally from a different country so they have no family here. However the friends that were there, some with such close relationships to the couple that they were practically family and others with just great friendships that the couple felt right at home. I did not know some of the people in the church that afternoon but still felt connected to them through our joy for this bride and groom.
The bride wore a used dress given to her by a close friend yet she looked so beautiful as if the dress were made especially for her. The groom was handsomely dressed in a new suit he had bought himself for this occasion and many more to come. The simple gold rings still represented the eternal love the couple had for each other even if they were not full of diamonds and rubies. The vows included the struggles and stories of the bride and groom which became tearful as the pastor and couple began to cry.
The ceremony was followed by a welcoming reception of cake and coffee in a humbly decorated church hall. Friends served coffee and a neighbor had baked a magnificent wedding cake with three tiers of chocolate cake decorated to a T as if it were a cake from a catalog. A professional photographer that happened to be a friend took pictures of the couple and their guests throughout the afternoon celebration. The small party of friends and closeness felt among the guests made the event feel as if everyone was apart of this big family. Everyone helped in their own way making the celebration one created by those enjoying it.
Weddings do not have to be big, extravagant parties that cost thousands of dollars and host hundreds of guests in order to mean something. The simplicity and genuine feelings of the wedding this past Sunday was not muddled up in the materialistic nature of most weddings; therefore, it conveyed the true meaning of marriage and love. Rather than focusing on the color scheme picked out, the age of the couple, or the sound of the orchestra, the focus of the entire day was on the coming together of these two people that wanted to spend their lives together making it all the more special. I now can say I have a better sense, not complete but better sense, of what marriage is all about and why people make that big leap into the next chapter of their lives.
Congratulations Alejandro and Liedy! May you live a happy life together, Always!
The small but intimate ceremony took place in an old church that required little decoration because it was so full of character. The pastor performed, who performed the marriage ceremony, was a very good friend of the bride and groom, almost like their father. There were not many people in attendance due to the fact that the married couple are both originally from a different country so they have no family here. However the friends that were there, some with such close relationships to the couple that they were practically family and others with just great friendships that the couple felt right at home. I did not know some of the people in the church that afternoon but still felt connected to them through our joy for this bride and groom.
The bride wore a used dress given to her by a close friend yet she looked so beautiful as if the dress were made especially for her. The groom was handsomely dressed in a new suit he had bought himself for this occasion and many more to come. The simple gold rings still represented the eternal love the couple had for each other even if they were not full of diamonds and rubies. The vows included the struggles and stories of the bride and groom which became tearful as the pastor and couple began to cry.
The ceremony was followed by a welcoming reception of cake and coffee in a humbly decorated church hall. Friends served coffee and a neighbor had baked a magnificent wedding cake with three tiers of chocolate cake decorated to a T as if it were a cake from a catalog. A professional photographer that happened to be a friend took pictures of the couple and their guests throughout the afternoon celebration. The small party of friends and closeness felt among the guests made the event feel as if everyone was apart of this big family. Everyone helped in their own way making the celebration one created by those enjoying it.
Weddings do not have to be big, extravagant parties that cost thousands of dollars and host hundreds of guests in order to mean something. The simplicity and genuine feelings of the wedding this past Sunday was not muddled up in the materialistic nature of most weddings; therefore, it conveyed the true meaning of marriage and love. Rather than focusing on the color scheme picked out, the age of the couple, or the sound of the orchestra, the focus of the entire day was on the coming together of these two people that wanted to spend their lives together making it all the more special. I now can say I have a better sense, not complete but better sense, of what marriage is all about and why people make that big leap into the next chapter of their lives.
Congratulations Alejandro and Liedy! May you live a happy life together, Always!
Friday, October 31, 2008
Happy Halloween!
I miss the days of trick or treating until it was pitch black and still trying to catch a few houses on the way home. I used to get so much candy that I would look forward to eating it for the next 3 weeks and eating all that candy was allowed since you had gone out and collected it yourself. I remember sorting through the pillowcases of candy and trading the unwanted candy with siblings for things I thought were much better. It took a few weeks to think of the perfect costume that other people wouldn't have and then a few more weeks to scrounge up the pieces to make the bought was not an option. Some of my favorite past costumes include:
cat, princess (a few different ones), bride, belly dancer, bum, karate kid, witch, clown, spice girl, baby, angel, mad scientist, tarzan's wife, rabbit, farmer...
I do not miss the years when it was so cold you had to put on a parka over your costume which ruined your beautiful 'princess gown' or 'turtle man suit'. Or the nights when it was raining so hard that you HAD to stop collecting candy because people started to refuse to open their doors.
I now enjoy the opportunity to dress up as whatever I want without offending too many people and having another reason to go out to party. As well as passing out candy to all the adorable kids that come proudly dressed up and ready to collect.
Halloween is such a great nonsense holiday that lets kids be creative while getting their tummy aches from all the great sweets! It allows adults to be creative while giving them another reason to have fun and celebrate. So ENJOY!
cat, princess (a few different ones), bride, belly dancer, bum, karate kid, witch, clown, spice girl, baby, angel, mad scientist, tarzan's wife, rabbit, farmer...
I do not miss the years when it was so cold you had to put on a parka over your costume which ruined your beautiful 'princess gown' or 'turtle man suit'. Or the nights when it was raining so hard that you HAD to stop collecting candy because people started to refuse to open their doors.
I now enjoy the opportunity to dress up as whatever I want without offending too many people and having another reason to go out to party. As well as passing out candy to all the adorable kids that come proudly dressed up and ready to collect.
Halloween is such a great nonsense holiday that lets kids be creative while getting their tummy aches from all the great sweets! It allows adults to be creative while giving them another reason to have fun and celebrate. So ENJOY!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
What I Want For My Birthday
Remember when you were a kid and birthdays were the most cherished day of the year because it meant you got lots of presents, the attention was totally on you, and you could do whatever you wanted and no one could say otherwise. When people asked what you wanted for your birthday you already had a list in your mind that you had been working on for months which included the coolest pogs, the biggest barbie beach house, the newest nintendo game, the prettiest makeup, the fastest bike or the coolest clothes.

I miss those days since now each birthday just means I am getting old, I have more responsibility and I have to 'grow up'. My birthday is approaching once again and not only is it harder for me to accept that I am growing older but it is harder for me to think of gifts that I want. First of all I am too old for gifts people have more important things to spend their money on. Second of all there are less and less material gifts that I want. As each year passes I realize that my list of birthday gifts that I really want are things that cannot be bought or even simply given to someone else. So to everyone that keeps asking me what I want for my birthday here is my "true" birthday wish list (in no particular order):
1. Greater self-esteem
2. Better self-image/self-perception
3. Ability to truly enjoy myself
4. True Beauty
5. Increased knowledge
6. A Secure future
7. Loving companionship
8. Better understanding of different worldly views
9. Deeper meaning to my life
10. Ability to protect others, especially friends and family, from harm or hurtful feelings
11. Accepting the fact that I cannot control everything
12. True happiness with myself
13. Increased flexibility when encountering change
14. Capability of making everyone's life a little better
15. Being remembered as a good person by leaving the world a better place than I found it.
What do you want for your birthday?
Monday, October 20, 2008
Real Friends
In elementary school and high school it is easier to make friends since you see the same people day in and day out and progress from one school to another together. Lucky for me, I formed some of the GREATEST friendships and relationships growing up, especially in high school. High school was one of the best times in my life thanks mostly to me friends.
After high school graduation I began to learn more about what ‘true’ friend means. Some friendships dissipate as it becomes too hard to try to stay in contact with one another. It takes a lot of time to make that call and listen to your friend recap their life for an hour or so or drive down to visit them at their school. One friend may stop putting forth effort leaving another friend to work even harder to stay in touch. In contrast many friendships, including most of mine, remain strong even after friends move on with life. These friends remember each other and are there for each other in good and bad times, even if it is not always physically. These ‘true’ friends are the ones that are worth your time and energy since they make time for you too. You think about these true friends all the time and hope they are doing well because you know they are thinking about you.
These true friendships became the model I used for friends in college and throughout life. In college it became harder to make friends since most people have not met before and everyone is from a different place. It is like in kindergarten trying to make all new friends. It is more difficult also because students do not see each other everyday, they are busier with classes, work, and personal agendas, and it takes more effort to plan or spend time together with friends. Just remember that the new ‘true’ friends are worth the extra time and effort because to them you are worth the extra time and effort. These friendships just like those of the past are the ones that will stay with you forever.
“True” Friend:
· Remembers to call you once in a while and not just to call you back.
· Knows more about you than most other people because you confide in them so much.
· Does not always see eye to eye with you but will hear you out.
· Is willing to sit on the phone with you for an hour while you cry even if they have a hot date with them at the time.
· Accepts you for you and loves you more for it.
· Accepts ANY changes you go through as you progress through life.
· Supports you and your decisions simply because you are friends, EVEN IF they do not agree with you.
· Makes you feel special with random notes, calls, emails, surprises, secrets, etc.
· Wants to hear about your gripes and accomplishes because it makes them feel more apart of your life.
· Is friends with you for more than your car, your status, your social network or even your mom’s food.
· Makes time for you even if they don’t have time.
After high school graduation I began to learn more about what ‘true’ friend means. Some friendships dissipate as it becomes too hard to try to stay in contact with one another. It takes a lot of time to make that call and listen to your friend recap their life for an hour or so or drive down to visit them at their school. One friend may stop putting forth effort leaving another friend to work even harder to stay in touch. In contrast many friendships, including most of mine, remain strong even after friends move on with life. These friends remember each other and are there for each other in good and bad times, even if it is not always physically. These ‘true’ friends are the ones that are worth your time and energy since they make time for you too. You think about these true friends all the time and hope they are doing well because you know they are thinking about you.
These true friendships became the model I used for friends in college and throughout life. In college it became harder to make friends since most people have not met before and everyone is from a different place. It is like in kindergarten trying to make all new friends. It is more difficult also because students do not see each other everyday, they are busier with classes, work, and personal agendas, and it takes more effort to plan or spend time together with friends. Just remember that the new ‘true’ friends are worth the extra time and effort because to them you are worth the extra time and effort. These friendships just like those of the past are the ones that will stay with you forever.
“True” Friend:
· Remembers to call you once in a while and not just to call you back.
· Knows more about you than most other people because you confide in them so much.
· Does not always see eye to eye with you but will hear you out.
· Is willing to sit on the phone with you for an hour while you cry even if they have a hot date with them at the time.
· Accepts you for you and loves you more for it.
· Accepts ANY changes you go through as you progress through life.
· Supports you and your decisions simply because you are friends, EVEN IF they do not agree with you.
· Makes you feel special with random notes, calls, emails, surprises, secrets, etc.
· Wants to hear about your gripes and accomplishes because it makes them feel more apart of your life.
· Is friends with you for more than your car, your status, your social network or even your mom’s food.
· Makes time for you even if they don’t have time.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Enjoying a Needed Break!
Drake provides one major plus for students every year, a fall break. Fall break consists of a Monday and Tuesday off during October that provides for a four day weekend. No, this does not give Drake students more days off then other schools because these two days are ‘borrowed’ from Thanksgiving break. Most universities have a full week off for Thanksgiving break whereas Drake students just get three days off, the other two days go to the built in fall break in October; therefore, the amount of days off between schools evens out.
I think that most schools should implement a fall break because it provides the perfect amount of time for a mental break at a necessary time in the semester. By this time in the semester students have had midterms, have been working hard through the first few months and are in need of a longer weekend to mentally refresh themselves. Freshman have gotten used to college life and studies but need time to connect with family and friends back at home. Also most students, especially freshman, have not been home yet during the semester and are usually somewhat homesick if not yearning for a good home cooked meal. It is perfect timing, not too soon after the start of classes and not too late into the semester. Also the extra two days is just a long enough break to be home. You can get good food, wash your laundry, get some good attention and then leave before the chores start being requested, awkward, “so where is your life going” questions are asked, or your relaxation becomes termed ‘lazy’.
A week off for Thanksgiving is great but it really is not any more beneficial then just three days (Wed-Fri). Since you have a full week, your visit home becomes dull by the end for both the student and parents. The special attention and favorite meals disappear halfway into the week as the name lazy is reintroduced since your relaxation is longer cute but bothersome and you are expected to do more around the house.
I am enjoying fall break to the max by relaxing at home after a stressful week of midterms. Even though I am not vegging out in front of the television I appreciate every moment, since life doesn’t offer “fall break” once you get into the working world. Thank goodness I am not yet full time working and thank you Drake University.
I think that most schools should implement a fall break because it provides the perfect amount of time for a mental break at a necessary time in the semester. By this time in the semester students have had midterms, have been working hard through the first few months and are in need of a longer weekend to mentally refresh themselves. Freshman have gotten used to college life and studies but need time to connect with family and friends back at home. Also most students, especially freshman, have not been home yet during the semester and are usually somewhat homesick if not yearning for a good home cooked meal. It is perfect timing, not too soon after the start of classes and not too late into the semester. Also the extra two days is just a long enough break to be home. You can get good food, wash your laundry, get some good attention and then leave before the chores start being requested, awkward, “so where is your life going” questions are asked, or your relaxation becomes termed ‘lazy’.
A week off for Thanksgiving is great but it really is not any more beneficial then just three days (Wed-Fri). Since you have a full week, your visit home becomes dull by the end for both the student and parents. The special attention and favorite meals disappear halfway into the week as the name lazy is reintroduced since your relaxation is longer cute but bothersome and you are expected to do more around the house.
I am enjoying fall break to the max by relaxing at home after a stressful week of midterms. Even though I am not vegging out in front of the television I appreciate every moment, since life doesn’t offer “fall break” once you get into the working world. Thank goodness I am not yet full time working and thank you Drake University.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Need More Stress?
Yes I know I have not blogged in a week, shame on me. I am just VERY busy considering I have midterms this week with one exam down and four more coming...Yes four plus a quiz.....all of which I am not ready for but have no time to study for. I administered vaccinations for five hours today, had to attend a church meeting, have a friend visiting me all day tomorrow, have a fly/ladybug problem in my apartment, have papers to grade for my TA position, etc...but enough of my ranting. Here are some tips for people who need more stress in life:
"Advice for folks who do not already have enough stress in your life - Here are a few more clinically proven methods to stay stressed or to increase your stress level.
(copied from
"Advice for folks who do not already have enough stress in your life - Here are a few more clinically proven methods to stay stressed or to increase your stress level.
Don't exercise.
Exercise wastes a lot of time that could be spent worrying.
Exercise wastes a lot of time that could be spent worrying.
Eat, drink and smoke anything you want.
If cigarette smoke cannot cleanse your system, a balanced diet is not likely to do it either.
If cigarette smoke cannot cleanse your system, a balanced diet is not likely to do it either.
Gain weight.
Work hard at staying at least 25 pounds over your recommended weight.
Work hard at staying at least 25 pounds over your recommended weight.
Take plenty of stimulants.
The old standards of caffeine, nicotine, sugar, and cola will continue to do the job just fine.
The old standards of caffeine, nicotine, sugar, and cola will continue to do the job just fine.
Avoid soft, sensitive "woo-woo" practices.
Ignore the evidence suggesting that prayer, meditation, yoga, deep breathing, and/or mental imaging help to reduce stress. The work ethic is good for everyone, always!
Ignore the evidence suggesting that prayer, meditation, yoga, deep breathing, and/or mental imaging help to reduce stress. The work ethic is good for everyone, always!
Get rid of your social support system
Let the few friends who are willing to tolerate you know that you concern yourself with friendships only if you have time, and you never have time. If a few people persist in trying to actively care about you, avoid them.
Let the few friends who are willing to tolerate you know that you concern yourself with friendships only if you have time, and you never have time. If a few people persist in trying to actively care about you, avoid them.
Exams ~ Classes ~ Sports ~ Work ~ Friends ~ Dating ~ Family ~ Goals ~ Expectations ~ Peer Pressure ~ Responsibilities 5 Stress & The College Student © ~ National Health Ministries ~ PC(USA) ~ Created 7.2004 / Rev. 2. 2006Exams ~ Classes ~ Sports ~ Work ~ Friends ~ Dating ~ Family ~ Goals ~ Expectations ~ Peer Pressure ~ Responsibilities Exams ~ Classes ~ Sports ~ Work ~ Friends ~ Dating ~ Family ~ Goals ~ Expectations ~ Peer Pressure ~ Responsibilities 6
Personalize all criticism.
Anyone who criticizes any aspect of your work, family, dog, room, house, or car is mounting a personal attack. Do not take time to listen,be offended, and then return the attack!
Anyone who criticizes any aspect of your work, family, dog, room, house, or car is mounting a personal attack. Do not take time to listen,be offended, and then return the attack!
Throw out your sense of humor.
Staying stressed is no laughing matter, and it should not be treated as one.
Staying stressed is no laughing matter, and it should not be treated as one.
Males and females alike - be macho – or al least stoic!
Never, never ever ask for help, and if you want it done right, do it yourself!
Become a workaholic.
Put work before everything else, and be sure to take work home evenings and weekends. Keep reminding yourself that vacations and time off are for sissies.
Put work before everything else, and be sure to take work home evenings and weekends. Keep reminding yourself that vacations and time off are for sissies.
Discard good time management skills and work/study boundaries.
Schedule in more activities every day than you can possibly get done and then worry about it all whenever you get a chance.
Schedule in more activities every day than you can possibly get done and then worry about it all whenever you get a chance.
Putting things off to the last second always produces a marvelous amount of stress.
Putting things off to the last second always produces a marvelous amount of stress.
Worry about things you cannot control
Worry about the stock market, earthquakes, the approaching ice age, you know, all the big issues.
Worry about the stock market, earthquakes, the approaching ice age, you know, all the big issues.
Become not only a perfectionist but set impossibly high standards...
And either beat yourself up, or feel guilty, depressed, discouraged, and/or inadequate when you do not meet them."
And either beat yourself up, or feel guilty, depressed, discouraged, and/or inadequate when you do not meet them."
(copied from
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Never Thought I Would Poke Someone!
As a kid, I dreaded the doctor for one main reason. Not because I was scared the doctor would tell me I had some life threatening disease or because I would have to take medicine for the rest of life. Just like most other kids I was more worried and even cried about those dreaded things called “Shots”. The word alone made me run the other way as I promised my mom I would eat all my vegetables and more if I just did not have to get those horrible “shots”. Parents always try to ease the children’s’ minds by telling them that shots are just little pinches that do not hurt or by trying a multitude of tactics including distractions or the child’s favorite, bribes. Some people never get over their fear of shots not because they hurt but because the person has some psychological fear or needles.
Well lucky for me as I have grown older I have learned to deal with shots or blood draws. In fact for the first time in my life I did something this past Thursday that I never thought I would be doing in my life. I was on the other side of those things called “shots”. Yes, I along with 2 other certified pharmacy interns and a pharmacist immunized over 75 patients against the flu and pneumonia in about a 6 hour time span. CRAZY?? I know.
Yes pharmacists and pharmacy interns can and do give shots as long as they are certified. Certification includes taking and passing a separate immunization course, passing CPR training and completing training on blood-borne pathogens education. Interns can only administer immunizations in the presence of a licensed pharmacist or doctor that can also give shots. People were shocked when we told them we were pharmacy students because they thought only medical doctors and students gave shots.
I was EXTREMELY nervous at first, worrying that people might find the shots painful but I got more comfortable as I realized no one was crying in pain and that most people did not even notice me poking them. I tried to keep the patients very comfortable while keep their minds off the shot and in doing so I think I became more comfortable myself. I learned a lot, including how tough elder’s skin is, how bony some people are and when going to get shots…..wear appropriate clothing.
Being certified has opened a whole new area of pharmacy that I can now practice in which is nice because it varies up the routine. Now I cannot go give anyone any kind of shot yet, but that is ok because I am not quite ready to do so, however I am ready for the next few months as flu season approaches and I have one or two immunization clinics each week, where I will be giving, “shots”. Hope to poke you soon!
Well lucky for me as I have grown older I have learned to deal with shots or blood draws. In fact for the first time in my life I did something this past Thursday that I never thought I would be doing in my life. I was on the other side of those things called “shots”. Yes, I along with 2 other certified pharmacy interns and a pharmacist immunized over 75 patients against the flu and pneumonia in about a 6 hour time span. CRAZY?? I know.
Yes pharmacists and pharmacy interns can and do give shots as long as they are certified. Certification includes taking and passing a separate immunization course, passing CPR training and completing training on blood-borne pathogens education. Interns can only administer immunizations in the presence of a licensed pharmacist or doctor that can also give shots. People were shocked when we told them we were pharmacy students because they thought only medical doctors and students gave shots.
I was EXTREMELY nervous at first, worrying that people might find the shots painful but I got more comfortable as I realized no one was crying in pain and that most people did not even notice me poking them. I tried to keep the patients very comfortable while keep their minds off the shot and in doing so I think I became more comfortable myself. I learned a lot, including how tough elder’s skin is, how bony some people are and when going to get shots…..wear appropriate clothing.
Being certified has opened a whole new area of pharmacy that I can now practice in which is nice because it varies up the routine. Now I cannot go give anyone any kind of shot yet, but that is ok because I am not quite ready to do so, however I am ready for the next few months as flu season approaches and I have one or two immunization clinics each week, where I will be giving, “shots”. Hope to poke you soon!

Sunday, September 28, 2008
18...Old Enough for the Bars?
Recently in the news there has been a lot of talk about potentially lowering the drinking age from 21 to 18 years old. Everyone has a unique view as to whether or not the age to legally drink should be lowered, should be raised, or should remain where it is. What do you think?
I believe the drinking age should not be lowered for a variety of reasons. The current drinking age limit may seem arbitrary but if you think about it, it matches well with maturity levels. At 21 you are usually a sophomore or junior in college. At this age, you have grown up a lot. You are beyond the rebellion of being away from home for the first time, living with 50 other people your age, doing things that make you "older", trying to fit in, and relying on your parents for all your money. You have (or we hope you have) become more mature, responsible, and intelligent after experiencing a year or two of college and independent life. At this age you are an adult that can make better decisions. Yes, at 18 you are an "adult" because you can vote, drive, join the army, or sign up for a credit card, but you are also just finishing high school, have lived off your parents all your life and think you know everything about life. Does all of this really qualify you as an adult? I don't think adult comes with an age per say. The title comes along with a certain level of maturity and most people at 18 do not have the maturity level of an "adult". At 18 you are more mature than you were at 16 but that is probably not mature enough to be responsible with alcohol. Could you imagine yourself legally drinking at a bar at the age of 18? How responsible where you then? If you are over 21, how would you feel about 18 year olds hanging out at the bars you visit regularly?
If the drinking age was lowered to 18 obviously younger individuals could be drinking more. Many people argue that if the age were lowered, there would be less underage drinking because there would be less of a temptation since drinking would not be rebellious or illegal. If the drinking age was lowered I believe that underage drinking would still occur but now at an even younger age. Just because the limit is lowered what would keep even younger individuals from testing the boundaries or being tempted? There will be underage drinking no matter what age is set as the limit because people are curious, rebellious, etc. Who wants to see a 16 year old drinking and then getting into a car for the first time?
Other argue that by lowering the drinking age, drinking would just become more normalized throughout all ages of society that less underage drinking would occur. To justify these arguments people cite examples from other countries where drinking ages are lower than the U.S. and it is assumed that less underage drinking occurs. I think that in countries were drinking ages are lower do not necessarily find less underage drinking. I believe the numbers from one country to another are the same. Drinking responsibly is not normalized by allowing more or younger people to drink, but instead by the perceptions people have of alcohol. I think that underage drinking may be more of a problem in countries, like the US, where individuals have more disposable income that can be spent on superfluous things such as alcohol. A poverty stricken town in Liberia will probably face less underage drinking issues than a suburb of Boston because the Liberians are too concerned with having enough resources to feed their population.
Still others argue that if the drinking age was lowered, younger individuals could be introduced to alcohol in a more non threatening environment such as in their own home with parents. How many parents really sit their kids down and talk to them about "the birds and the bees"? Not many, they rely on the education you get through school, friends, and life in general. So why would the situation be any different with alcohol? In this argument to lower the legal age, people are trying to pass off more responsibility to parents from society as a whole and the individual them self. Responsible drinking is a personal decision that is not taught like a driving course or controlled by a parent grounding their child. Would you have listened to your parents at that age? Once again by lowering the drinking and having parents "teach" their kids more responsible drinking, what keeps even younger individuals from underage drinking?
I try see topics from all angles before I make my own opinion because assumptions and judgements are not fair. In this situation I am continuing to understand a variety of opinions but ultimately have not found sound reason to lower the drinking age. If you have one please let me know.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Did You KNOW?
These are some facts I found out while starting at my ESL refugee site…
In the world today, more than 6 billion people live.If this world were shrunk to the size of a village of 100 people, what would it look like?
59 would be Asian
14 would be American (North, Central and South)
14 would be African
12 would be European
1 would be from the South Pacific
50 would be women, 50 would be men
30 would be children, 7 0 would be adults.
70 would be nonwhite, 30 would be white
90 would be heterosexual, 10 would be homosexual
33 would be Christians
21 would be Moslems
15 would be Hindus
6 would be Buddhists
5 would be Animists
6 would believe in other religions
14 would be without any religion or atheist.
15 would speak Chinese, Mandarin
7 English
6 Hindi
6 Spanish
5 Russian
4 Arabic
3 Bengali
3 Portuguese
The other would speak Indonesian, Japanese,German, French, or some other language.
In such a village with so many sorts of folks, it would be very important to learn to understand people different from yourself and to accept others as they are.
Of the 100 people in this village:
20 are underonurished, 1 is dying of starvation, while 15 are overweight.
Of the wealth in this village, 6 people own 59% (all of them from the United States),
74 people own 39%, and 20 people share the remaining 2%.
Of the energy of this village, 20 people consume 80%, and 80 people share the remaining 20%.
20 have no clean, safe water to drink.
56 have access to sanitation
15 adults are illiterate.
1 has an university degree.
7 have computers.
In one year, 1 person in the village will die, but in the same year, 2 babies will be born, so that at the year's end the number of villagers will be 101.
If you do not live in fear of death by bombardment, armed attack, landmines, or of rape or kidnapping by armed groups, then you are more fortunate than 20, who do.
If you can speak and act according to your faith and your conscience without harassment, imprisonment, torture or death, then you are more fortunate than 48, who can not.
If you have money in the bank, money in your wallet and spare change somewhere around the house, then you are among the richest 8.
If you can read this message, that means you are probably lucky!
In the world today, more than 6 billion people live.If this world were shrunk to the size of a village of 100 people, what would it look like?
59 would be Asian
14 would be American (North, Central and South)
14 would be African
12 would be European
1 would be from the South Pacific
50 would be women, 50 would be men
30 would be children, 7 0 would be adults.
70 would be nonwhite, 30 would be white
90 would be heterosexual, 10 would be homosexual
33 would be Christians
21 would be Moslems
15 would be Hindus
6 would be Buddhists
5 would be Animists
6 would believe in other religions
14 would be without any religion or atheist.
15 would speak Chinese, Mandarin
7 English
6 Hindi
6 Spanish
5 Russian
4 Arabic
3 Bengali
3 Portuguese
The other would speak Indonesian, Japanese,German, French, or some other language.
In such a village with so many sorts of folks, it would be very important to learn to understand people different from yourself and to accept others as they are.
Of the 100 people in this village:
20 are underonurished, 1 is dying of starvation, while 15 are overweight.
Of the wealth in this village, 6 people own 59% (all of them from the United States),
74 people own 39%, and 20 people share the remaining 2%.
Of the energy of this village, 20 people consume 80%, and 80 people share the remaining 20%.
20 have no clean, safe water to drink.
56 have access to sanitation
15 adults are illiterate.
1 has an university degree.
7 have computers.
In one year, 1 person in the village will die, but in the same year, 2 babies will be born, so that at the year's end the number of villagers will be 101.
If you do not live in fear of death by bombardment, armed attack, landmines, or of rape or kidnapping by armed groups, then you are more fortunate than 20, who do.
If you can speak and act according to your faith and your conscience without harassment, imprisonment, torture or death, then you are more fortunate than 48, who can not.
If you have money in the bank, money in your wallet and spare change somewhere around the house, then you are among the richest 8.
If you can read this message, that means you are probably lucky!
(The statistics were derived from Donella Meadows "State of the Village Report")
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Upset with Myself
Have you ever spent hours working on a puzzle and then found you were missing the last piece to complete it? Have you ever spent days planning a party, trip, or game and then had to cancel it because people bailed on you?
Well this past week I felt these feelings of frustration multiplied by 10. I am a studious individual…ok I am a nerd, so I spent a LOT of time studying for 3 exams that I had during the week. Let’s just put it this way, over the previous week and a half I spent 12+ hours studying for one exam alone. This kind of studying is nothing new to me since I have always been determined and focused to do well and learn as much as I can in school. I just adopted this mentality in high school since I figured being a student was “my job”. Most of my hard work over the years has paid off and have been able to truly believe that the harder you work the better you will do. This hard work thing blew up in my face this past enters the frustration.
I reviewed material, I practiced problems, I rewrote notes, the whole gamut. I thought I understood the material. In fact, in one of my classes at a review session I was explaining concepts to students because the teacher did not know how to explain them. Well I took my exams and… I did not do as well as I would have liked or thought I would do.
There are a number of things I could blame it on, they were the first exams of the semester, first exams by new teachers, I was sick all week, I had little sleep, etc but that would be taking the easy route and I am not like that. I got my tests back and reviewed what I missed and understand why I missed things yet it still bothers me that I did not do very well. I know people that did not put forth as much effort as I did in studying, yet they still did just as well or better. Frustrating?….YES!! I did not do horrible but it just was not what I would expect to receive after all my efforts.
I know that these types of things should not get to me so much considering there are other important things in life. Grades are not the end all be all and will not really matter once I am done with school. When these frustrating events happen, I feel like not trying at all on the rest of my school work, because hey all the work did not pay off so doing no work cannot get any worse results. I begin to doubt that the harder you work the better you do. I know I could never just slide by in school because in the end, I would feel too upset for not giving it my all. After reviewing a test with one of my professors, he mentioned, “You did better than the average and half the class”…..I just thought to myself, “I don’t JUST want to be SLIGHTLY better than the average” and "I could care less about the rest of the class".
Well this past week I felt these feelings of frustration multiplied by 10. I am a studious individual…ok I am a nerd, so I spent a LOT of time studying for 3 exams that I had during the week. Let’s just put it this way, over the previous week and a half I spent 12+ hours studying for one exam alone. This kind of studying is nothing new to me since I have always been determined and focused to do well and learn as much as I can in school. I just adopted this mentality in high school since I figured being a student was “my job”. Most of my hard work over the years has paid off and have been able to truly believe that the harder you work the better you will do. This hard work thing blew up in my face this past enters the frustration.
I reviewed material, I practiced problems, I rewrote notes, the whole gamut. I thought I understood the material. In fact, in one of my classes at a review session I was explaining concepts to students because the teacher did not know how to explain them. Well I took my exams and… I did not do as well as I would have liked or thought I would do.
There are a number of things I could blame it on, they were the first exams of the semester, first exams by new teachers, I was sick all week, I had little sleep, etc but that would be taking the easy route and I am not like that. I got my tests back and reviewed what I missed and understand why I missed things yet it still bothers me that I did not do very well. I know people that did not put forth as much effort as I did in studying, yet they still did just as well or better. Frustrating?….YES!! I did not do horrible but it just was not what I would expect to receive after all my efforts.

The grade is not what bothers me, it is that I feel as if I put forth so much effort towards something and it did not turn out the way I wanted it to. I worked hard at “my job” and it still did not turn out as well as I wished. This frustration is like a tick that keeps on going in my head. It feels like that missing puzzle piece or abandoned party.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Grateful for Every Penny!
This past spring I was awarded one of a few Drake Alumni Association Scholarships based on academics, involvement, and need. I am glad that I filled out an application and did some foot work in order to be considered because it all paid off. Apply for any and every scholarship opportunity you are qualified for. Who wouldn’t want free money?? I was excited and thankful since school is getting to be astronomically expensive, considering the cost of classes, books, living, etc. I wrote thank you notes to each member of the board….NEVER forget the ‘Thank You’ because think about how you feel when you receive a “thank you”!
The award winners including myself were invited to an “Afternoon Tea” this past Tuesday with Drake University’s President and first lady as well as a few board members of the Drake Alumni Association. I got an invitation in the mail about 2 weeks ago and was supposed to RSVP to the number on the invitation. I called the number thinking that it was a secretary’s number in some academic office. When the individual picked up it was the first lady…shocked that the invite had the phone number and address to the president’s home I was somewhat speechless. After moments of silence I finally said something to the first lady but I forgot to tell her who I was until she asked. I felt like a complete fool but at least we both laughed about it. Take advantage of as many opportunities to build connections, friendships and associations with others as you can.
On Tuesday, it was fun because as I mentioned before it was at the president’s home, which of course was in a ritzy neighborhood. The house was spotlessly decorated in antiques and fine furniture as if it were out of a catalog. It was even better because it was an authentic “Tea” with an elaborate silver tea set, cute sandwiches, servers, and formal dress (error on the side of formal everytime). The time was good because it was short but enjoyable. The board members were all adorable and welcoming as they told us we should think of them as our grandparents here in Des Moines. One of the ladies mentioned all the thank you notes....what did I tell you about thank yous! While each person made a little statement about the board and its great support one of the only male board members kept nodding off which was humorous. However, no one made fun of him….probably because he consistently provides some of the biggest donations to the association. On the way out, the first lady warned us that her cat has managed to go home with others because she hides under cars so we should check our car before we left...interesting?
To the members of the alumni association....THANK YOU for all of your continued support for Drake Students!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
No time to be sick in college!
So as a little kid you wanted to be sick. If you were sick you could stay home from school, watch TV all day and be waited on by your mom. It was the life. No responsibilities and all the sympathy in the world.
In college.....forget being sick. Once your sick it is a vicious cycle that takes so long to break. You are sick but you have to keep up with your work otherwise you will have to catch up later. By keeping up with your work you still feel crappy and do not get more sleep which you need to get better when you are sick. So you stay feeling sick until you can catch a break sometime. There is no time to be sick as a college student, yet college students pass infections as quickly as germy kindergarten kids. The close living situations, the sharing of everything, and the lack of sleep just add up and getting sick in college is as easy as just going to class.
The reason I bring this up is, I think I am getting sick. I woke up yesterday with a sore throat, headache and sore stomach. I have gotten very little sleep in the past few nights because I feel sick which is just making me feel worse. Of course this all comes during some of the busiest/stressful weeks, as I have 5 exams and 3 quizzes in the next two weeks as well as 120 papers to grade and am starting my diversity training at a ESL clinic. I think this is how life just is, constantly testing your resilience and ability to deal with situations. I think we should all just stay elementary aged kids who get to stay home when they are sick and watch cartoons while getting chicken soup served by could life get any better?
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Do you remember this day?
It is crazy to think that the tragedies of 9/11 happened 7 years ago. This fact makes me realize how fast life flies by and how old I am getting. I was a freshman in high school when all the chaos and hurt occurred and now I am a senior in college. I remember the events of 9/11 so vividly that it feels as if it was only a few months ago. I am not sure why the details of that day were burned into my memory unlike any other memory.
I was sitting in my second period global history class at a table next to my friends names Chris. We had just started class as the teacher was handing back a geography quiz. A different teach stormed through the back door of the classroom and started saying, "turn on the TV, you have to see what is going on". The classroom had a huge projector screen (about 10ft x 12 ft) in the front of the class so the teacher turned on the project and turned it to the NBC station. All we kept seeing was the twin towers billowing with smoke as reports were shouting out confused messages. At the bottom of the screen was minute by minute information scrolling across the screen. The footage kept showing the planes flying into the twin towers. The images became ingrained in my mind since they were played over about 12 times on this HUGE screen in front of my face. I sat there as my stomach dropped to my knees. I could not believe what I was seeing. Not a word was spoken nor did anyone move for the entire 40minute class period. We all just sat and watched. Everyone was in disbelief, upset, confused, aw struck, mortified, etc. As the bell rang we barely moved until my teacher reminded us that we had to go to our next class. Classes were scheduled for the rest of the day but in each class we just sat and starred at the television sets. I was confused all day until I went home to find my parents home early from work. I watched the television now seeing images of the tragedies in Philadelphia and Washington DC over and over again in combination with the twin tower collisions and destruction. I realized that what had happened was not a dream and at that moment I all I wanted to do was deny that I was human. How could a person could do such hurtful things to another human being? I will forever be confused by this question and will probably never find an answer.
One year later I was reminded of the tragedy first hand as I traveled with my marching band to New York City for the Macy's Day parade. We spent a whole day at ground zero as we took part in a memorial service. I remember seeing rubble still spread around, the excavation attempts still going on, the damage to the neighboring buildings, the pain and emotions felt by everyone there and the darkness that overshadowed the area. But the most memorable things I remember are the numbers of people there visiting, the memorials set up, and the hope that overcame the despair in the air.
I think the memories are so detailed because this was a major event for my generation, somewhat like the bombing of Hiroshima or the Vietnam War or many other major events were for previous generations. The memories are not always happy but they remind us of the pain people can cause as we hope for a brighter future in which suffering can be eliminated. I think most people remember the day in such detail and will probably never forget it. These life altering occurrences make you realize just how hurtful people can be and how precious life is.
I was sitting in my second period global history class at a table next to my friends names Chris. We had just started class as the teacher was handing back a geography quiz. A different teach stormed through the back door of the classroom and started saying, "turn on the TV, you have to see what is going on". The classroom had a huge projector screen (about 10ft x 12 ft) in the front of the class so the teacher turned on the project and turned it to the NBC station. All we kept seeing was the twin towers billowing with smoke as reports were shouting out confused messages. At the bottom of the screen was minute by minute information scrolling across the screen. The footage kept showing the planes flying into the twin towers. The images became ingrained in my mind since they were played over about 12 times on this HUGE screen in front of my face. I sat there as my stomach dropped to my knees. I could not believe what I was seeing. Not a word was spoken nor did anyone move for the entire 40minute class period. We all just sat and watched. Everyone was in disbelief, upset, confused, aw struck, mortified, etc. As the bell rang we barely moved until my teacher reminded us that we had to go to our next class. Classes were scheduled for the rest of the day but in each class we just sat and starred at the television sets. I was confused all day until I went home to find my parents home early from work. I watched the television now seeing images of the tragedies in Philadelphia and Washington DC over and over again in combination with the twin tower collisions and destruction. I realized that what had happened was not a dream and at that moment I all I wanted to do was deny that I was human. How could a person could do such hurtful things to another human being? I will forever be confused by this question and will probably never find an answer.
One year later I was reminded of the tragedy first hand as I traveled with my marching band to New York City for the Macy's Day parade. We spent a whole day at ground zero as we took part in a memorial service. I remember seeing rubble still spread around, the excavation attempts still going on, the damage to the neighboring buildings, the pain and emotions felt by everyone there and the darkness that overshadowed the area. But the most memorable things I remember are the numbers of people there visiting, the memorials set up, and the hope that overcame the despair in the air.
I think the memories are so detailed because this was a major event for my generation, somewhat like the bombing of Hiroshima or the Vietnam War or many other major events were for previous generations. The memories are not always happy but they remind us of the pain people can cause as we hope for a brighter future in which suffering can be eliminated. I think most people remember the day in such detail and will probably never forget it. These life altering occurrences make you realize just how hurtful people can be and how precious life is.
ALWAYS remember to live life to the fullest because you never know what tomorrow may bring and to tell everyone you love "I Love You" as often as you can because you do not know if it will be the last time. For today remember and pray for all those directly and indirectly affected by the tragedies of 9/11 including the people, families, and for the peace that will stop any of these kinds of hatred filled acts to happen again.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
What to do?
Over the past few days I have been worrying about my education, career, and life choices as well as where exactly I should be after graduation. Yes I know it is ridiculous considering I have almost 3 more years until I am done, but I feel that everyone around me is planning their lives. Actually I think about my future a lot since I over analyze most things and have been pushed since high school to know "what I want to be when I grow up". But my thoughts have gotten more intense since all of my friends are seniors and are talking about being done in a semester or so, moving on, getting jobs, getting married, having kids, etc. This is making me feel like I need to know what I will to do with my life, where it is going and what my plans are for the next 10 years or so.
Mentally, I am still in college mode; therefore, do not even have marriage or children on my mind. I know I will get married and have kids sometime but not in the near or intermediate least not until after graduation. As to where I will be living, not positive yet. I know for the next 2 years I will be in Des Moines, for rotations I will be around the Midwest, and after graduation, probably around the Chicago area, since it is so great.
As for my career....this is where I am completely lost and I feel like I am the only one. Everyone always asks me 'What are you going to do with your degrees?" and I never really know what to say. I guess my problem is I feel like I have too many choices with my PharmD degree and am not really sure what my choices are with my joint PharmD/MBA degrees. As I continue through school and work experiences it seems that each time I eliminate one possibility, three more come up. For example, even though retail pharmacists make some of the highest salaries as pharmacists, through work experience I know I do not want to work as a retail pharmacist. Through other intern experiences and my new TA position I now am thinking about three new possibilities...teaching, research, or regulation. I am indecisive to begin with and more options just makes me more confused. I am interested in all of these pathways and want to keep my future open. I feel like every decision I make from now on is going to determine part of my future and I worry that I might make the wrong decision or miss something I should be doing.
THEN....I force myself back to logical thinking. I remember that I have time to make up my mind, the rest of my life to figure out who I am and the opportunity to change my mind a few times. As much as I hate worrying about everything, being indecisive and feeling like I have not plan for the future, I know I have to remember...
"Even if you have too many options, be happy about them. They are always better than limitations" "Being slow to make a decision is not always bad, as long as you eventual make a decision" "Live life now because worrying about the future will not guarantee it!"

As for my career....this is where I am completely lost and I feel like I am the only one. Everyone always asks me 'What are you going to do with your degrees?" and I never really know what to say. I guess my problem is I feel like I have too many choices with my PharmD degree and am not really sure what my choices are with my joint PharmD/MBA degrees. As I continue through school and work experiences it seems that each time I eliminate one possibility, three more come up. For example, even though retail pharmacists make some of the highest salaries as pharmacists, through work experience I know I do not want to work as a retail pharmacist. Through other intern experiences and my new TA position I now am thinking about three new possibilities...teaching, research, or regulation. I am indecisive to begin with and more options just makes me more confused. I am interested in all of these pathways and want to keep my future open. I feel like every decision I make from now on is going to determine part of my future and I worry that I might make the wrong decision or miss something I should be doing.
THEN....I force myself back to logical thinking. I remember that I have time to make up my mind, the rest of my life to figure out who I am and the opportunity to change my mind a few times. As much as I hate worrying about everything, being indecisive and feeling like I have not plan for the future, I know I have to remember...
"Even if you have too many options, be happy about them. They are always better than limitations" "Being slow to make a decision is not always bad, as long as you eventual make a decision" "Live life now because worrying about the future will not guarantee it!"
Monday, September 1, 2008
How To Fit In at College
As humans we have this need to fit into any environment we are in because no one wants to be an outcast. When we visit another city, country, etc we try to dress and act like everyone else in the area. "When in Rome do as the Romans". I do not think people will point and mock visitors considering everyone is a visitor at some time in their life, plus people are too worried about their own lives to care. So why do we try so hard?
We all want to feel accepted, liked, and 'normal'. For everyone it starts out sometime in the elementary years when it becomes apparent that people are different. Up to that point in life, it did not matter if your shirt tag said Abercrombie or OshKosh, if the people you played with where apart of the ‘cool crowd’, or if you were a girl in a size 2 or a size 16. At that pivotal age kids begin to realize that differences exist between them and others. Certain things and people become ‘normal’, ‘cool’, ‘dorky’, ‘losers’, etc. In junior high what you wear and who you hang out with becomes the most important thing in life. You would rather be dead than caught wearing Wal-Mart clothes while hanging out with the nerds. In high school what your reputation, looks, and hobbies become important. You have to spend an hour getting ready for school where you deny you’re in the band and pretend as though you have drank before. Throughout these years people try so hard to fit in and be accepted that they put themselves to the side and ignore their true passions.
In college it all changes, if you want it to. Most students become adults and realize what is truly important to them and begin to live for themselves. It becomes too difficult trying to find out who you are and where you want life to go that fitting in becomes an old past time. Trying out things that interest you even though your best friend does not do it allows you to meet more people and fit without any effort. Do not worry if you cannot let go, some people continue to live for others, try to fit in, compare who they slept with or how much they drank.
The best way to fit in at college is to not try to fit in but just be yourself. Naturally you find your place and your friends and fitting in isn’t necessary. People will accept you for who you are while you live for what’s important to you.
“When in college, do as you normally would to be happy not as other tell you”
We all want to feel accepted, liked, and 'normal'. For everyone it starts out sometime in the elementary years when it becomes apparent that people are different. Up to that point in life, it did not matter if your shirt tag said Abercrombie or OshKosh, if the people you played with where apart of the ‘cool crowd’, or if you were a girl in a size 2 or a size 16. At that pivotal age kids begin to realize that differences exist between them and others. Certain things and people become ‘normal’, ‘cool’, ‘dorky’, ‘losers’, etc. In junior high what you wear and who you hang out with becomes the most important thing in life. You would rather be dead than caught wearing Wal-Mart clothes while hanging out with the nerds. In high school what your reputation, looks, and hobbies become important. You have to spend an hour getting ready for school where you deny you’re in the band and pretend as though you have drank before. Throughout these years people try so hard to fit in and be accepted that they put themselves to the side and ignore their true passions.
In college it all changes, if you want it to. Most students become adults and realize what is truly important to them and begin to live for themselves. It becomes too difficult trying to find out who you are and where you want life to go that fitting in becomes an old past time. Trying out things that interest you even though your best friend does not do it allows you to meet more people and fit without any effort. Do not worry if you cannot let go, some people continue to live for others, try to fit in, compare who they slept with or how much they drank.
The best way to fit in at college is to not try to fit in but just be yourself. Naturally you find your place and your friends and fitting in isn’t necessary. People will accept you for who you are while you live for what’s important to you.
“When in college, do as you normally would to be happy not as other tell you”
Thursday, August 28, 2008
How Was your First Week Back?
My first week of the new semester went SUPER slow. I guess my brain and body are getting used the learning and the early mornings.
My P2 year will be full of a LOT of reading, some good, some bad, none for my own enjoyment because I won't have time. My classes are going to be hard as I was already assuming for but I am not going to worry yet.....that's for finals. I think I will survive and if not, I can always become a mystery shopper or food critic (a secret passion of mine).
Also with the new accreditation standards for pharmacy students, I am going to have a TON of 'experience' hours that I have to complete outside of class. The bad thing is we have to complete about 45 hours per semester as volunteer hours in addition to all the classes we have. It sucks because it takes up a lot of time that we are not getting paid. At the same time I understand how important it is to get some experience before we have to pick rotation sites and before we get out into the working world....but are so many really necessary?
All of my professors will be good as usual since Drake has some of the BEST faculty and mentors. They not only are some of the smartest people I know, but they are truly here to teach and they make student learning their number one priority. I am slightly worried about one lecture class since the professor seems really nervous every time he gives a lecture....but I guess trying to get the attention of 120 students at 8am would make me unnerved too.
I am a TA for two classes this year. A P1 class and a health sciences class. I realized that I really like the positions and could get used to teaching/mentoring. I will have to see if these feelings last through the semester.
How was your first week? Any good stories to share? Students, teachers, parents, friends? Let me know!
My P2 year will be full of a LOT of reading, some good, some bad, none for my own enjoyment because I won't have time. My classes are going to be hard as I was already assuming for but I am not going to worry yet.....that's for finals. I think I will survive and if not, I can always become a mystery shopper or food critic (a secret passion of mine).
Also with the new accreditation standards for pharmacy students, I am going to have a TON of 'experience' hours that I have to complete outside of class. The bad thing is we have to complete about 45 hours per semester as volunteer hours in addition to all the classes we have. It sucks because it takes up a lot of time that we are not getting paid. At the same time I understand how important it is to get some experience before we have to pick rotation sites and before we get out into the working world....but are so many really necessary?
All of my professors will be good as usual since Drake has some of the BEST faculty and mentors. They not only are some of the smartest people I know, but they are truly here to teach and they make student learning their number one priority. I am slightly worried about one lecture class since the professor seems really nervous every time he gives a lecture....but I guess trying to get the attention of 120 students at 8am would make me unnerved too.
I am a TA for two classes this year. A P1 class and a health sciences class. I realized that I really like the positions and could get used to teaching/mentoring. I will have to see if these feelings last through the semester.
How was your first week? Any good stories to share? Students, teachers, parents, friends? Let me know!
Sunday, August 24, 2008
First Day of Class!
to everyone on the first day/week of classes!!
I know I am not ready at all for classes to start. Starting is the hardest part after a break because once the classes begin the semester starts to fly by. First is fall break then thanksgiving and then winter break before you know it. It goes by like a rushing train and the hardest part is initially grabbing onto that speeding train. I feel like each semester is a new start that makes me a bit more mature, a bit smarter, and a bit closer to being a true adult in the real world (scary!). I am nervous for my first week of school, not as nervous as my freshman year but trust me the nerves never fully go away. Each semester there are new classes, new teachers, new people, all adding to the anxious feelings that get the semester going.
Freshman: No need to get dolled up for class like in high school, pjs or jeans will do.
Sophomores: No, not every book you bought is need in each class. Figure out which ones you really need or can share and return the rest.
Juniors: Enjoy school but watch how many classes you skip. Keep working hard since your already half way done.
P1: Congrats on making it into the program. This year is not so bad and it is the half way point in May.
Again Good Luck and Enjoy. School is supposed to be "Educational" and FUN!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Good Old Chicago!
In between all the worries I tried to take advantage of the few days while at home in Mt. Prospect, a northwest suburb of Chicago. Even though I have lived here since I was a kid, I still love going downtown to see the same sites that change year by year as well as exploring things I have never done. Chicago is awesome because it has so MUCH to offer and is constantly changing. I went downtown a few days to check out the traditional favorites like: Navy Pier, hang out at the beach, see the 'Bean' and Millennium Park, Buckingham fountain, shopping on Michigan Ave, Rush Street, the daily markets, my friends going to school in the city colleges, and so much more.
The Chicago Air and Water show was fantastic as it is every year. The boats are beautiful while the planes are all different. The stunts and performances that are put on in the water and in the air are unbelievable. I would love to feel the same adrenaline rush that the performers feel, it would be heart pumping. Pictures are included.
I also got to try some new things, like an architectural tour of the city while riding along the Chicago river. It was great because it was an hour and a half of awesome views, amazing information, and unbelievable weather. I realized that washing the windows on the tall buildings might just be worth the $35 an hour that the washers make. I took tons of pictures as you can see below. The tour was expensive but no worries because my parents paid :)
I introduced my parents to a Chicago past time by taking them to their first Ravinia performance. It was a gift for their anniversary. Ravinia is a large outdoor venue that hosts a range of musical talent including orchestras, bands, singers, etc. My parents, my sisters, and I took a picnic and listened to a Reggae band perform. I have attended other performances and I think my parents found a new favorite thing to do.
The week turned out so good that I do not want to go back to Drake quite yet. I am not ready for classes and could use another week of fun.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Am You Being Taken Advantage of?
Do the following situations sound familiar? These themes I constantly encounter these themes and used to let happen. However through school and work I have learned how easy it is for people to take advantage of someone else's good intentions. I work hard so that I can help people and myself and not so others can claim that work for themselves or unload their work onto me. I am working on becoming my own self advocate in order to make life a little more fair for me.
*People know you have a good heart and will use that to their advantage by guilting you into everything.
*One little favor turns into 1 favor + 15 other requests.
*Other people's responsibilities become your responsibilities
*You are a good listener with a comfy shoulder to cry on, but when it comes your anyone out there?
*Strangers become your best friend when they find out you have resources they can use for themselves
*You are known to work hard and get things done so group projects turn into "you" projects because "you can do them better"
*People assume that you do not mind extra work because you always work extra hard.
*Your work has been taken advantage of before so why would that change now?
*No one else will do it, but it has to be done for the good of the team/group, so it becomes your responsibility.
*People know you have a good heart and will use that to their advantage by guilting you into everything.
*One little favor turns into 1 favor + 15 other requests.
*Other people's responsibilities become your responsibilities
*You are a good listener with a comfy shoulder to cry on, but when it comes your anyone out there?
*Strangers become your best friend when they find out you have resources they can use for themselves
*You are known to work hard and get things done so group projects turn into "you" projects because "you can do them better"
*People assume that you do not mind extra work because you always work extra hard.
*Your work has been taken advantage of before so why would that change now?
*No one else will do it, but it has to be done for the good of the team/group, so it becomes your responsibility.
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Does the Pharmacy Carry...?
Yes, while working in the pharmacy I have been asked or witnessed patients/customers asking for these items at Walgreens. (Not an exhausted list)
Transmission fluid
DNA tests
Penis Pumps
Garden Rocks
Vicodin samples
Animal Shots
Cowboy boots
Child Leash
Pap-Smear Tests
Tooth Caps
Abortion kits
Walgreens does have a lot of stuff but the pharmacy is the last place you will find break pads. Thank you to all those that make my job so entertaining.
Transmission fluid
DNA tests
Penis Pumps
Garden Rocks
Vicodin samples
Animal Shots
Cowboy boots
Child Leash
Pap-Smear Tests
Tooth Caps
Abortion kits
Walgreens does have a lot of stuff but the pharmacy is the last place you will find break pads. Thank you to all those that make my job so entertaining.
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Can Anyone Help?
When you would be coming back to the Drake area?
Do you would want to make some extra money before school starts?
Are you a Walgreens pharmacy employee?
I am supposed to work the following shifts but my family is coming in to town and then I have to go home for some doctors appointments and stuff before school starts.
If you are a Walgreens pharmacy employee and could cover some or all of the times/shifts let me know. I would appreciate any help you could give, plus you could make some extra cash before classes start.
Walgreens across the street from Drake-
Sat. Aug 16 9:45-6:15
Sun. Aug 17 10:45-6:15
Mon AUg 18 10-6:30
Tue Aug 19 10-5:30
Thr Aug 21 8:30-5
Fri Aug 22 10:30-7
I hope your not working too hard. Enjoy the last few weeks.Let me know your availability ASAP! Thanks!
Do you would want to make some extra money before school starts?
Are you a Walgreens pharmacy employee?
I am supposed to work the following shifts but my family is coming in to town and then I have to go home for some doctors appointments and stuff before school starts.
If you are a Walgreens pharmacy employee and could cover some or all of the times/shifts let me know. I would appreciate any help you could give, plus you could make some extra cash before classes start.
Walgreens across the street from Drake-
Sat. Aug 16 9:45-6:15
Sun. Aug 17 10:45-6:15
Mon AUg 18 10-6:30
Tue Aug 19 10-5:30
Thr Aug 21 8:30-5
Fri Aug 22 10:30-7
I hope your not working too hard. Enjoy the last few weeks.Let me know your availability ASAP! Thanks!
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Not Enough Hours in The Day
I am Always busy, but mostly because I make myself. I hate when I feel like I have wasted time or that I could have accomplished more and when I am busy I do not feel either of these. It is almost like and addiction that I can't seem to control. My ambitious attitude keeps me on my toes with things that I enjoy but sometimes this comes back to bite me in the butt.
The semester has not even started and I am worried about being overwhelmed (as usual).
1. I have a full course with all my pharmacy classes, which should be interesting considering my class is the first pharmacy class to go through the new curriculum for the college or pharmacy. It is definitely more time consuming considering how many out of class volunteer hours we have to complete. This year it is about 50 hours a semester, which does not seem like too many, but when you are going to class full time these hours are hard to squeeze in especially since most have to be during the weekdays, when you have class.
2. I am going beyond the 18 credit full time limit to 21 credits so that I can complete another business class as well as business seminar for my MBA degree. All of these academics will keep me busy with books.
3. I took on a position as a TA for the P1 Intro to Pharmaceutical Sciences class. I am very excited for this job because it puts together two things I like, pharmacy and teaching. I know that I am not required to work a lot of hours a week in this position but I want to do a good job and will not half-ass anything.
4. I am going to continue working part-time as a pharmacy intern at Walgreens. Sometimes I question whether the stress is worth the pay but I realize that it is great experience with patients and with medication knowledge, plus it is a reliable income stream.
5. I still have all my extra curriculars to think about, including academic affairs committees, dean's advisory council, pharmacy leadership council, Best Buddies, intramurals, etc.
I want to take advantage of lots of things, so I say yes to everything and realize too late that it be more than I can handle. I like to be busy but not overwhelmed. My addiction continues as I wish I had more hours in the day for all these opportunities.
The semester has not even started and I am worried about being overwhelmed (as usual).
1. I have a full course with all my pharmacy classes, which should be interesting considering my class is the first pharmacy class to go through the new curriculum for the college or pharmacy. It is definitely more time consuming considering how many out of class volunteer hours we have to complete. This year it is about 50 hours a semester, which does not seem like too many, but when you are going to class full time these hours are hard to squeeze in especially since most have to be during the weekdays, when you have class.
2. I am going beyond the 18 credit full time limit to 21 credits so that I can complete another business class as well as business seminar for my MBA degree. All of these academics will keep me busy with books.
3. I took on a position as a TA for the P1 Intro to Pharmaceutical Sciences class. I am very excited for this job because it puts together two things I like, pharmacy and teaching. I know that I am not required to work a lot of hours a week in this position but I want to do a good job and will not half-ass anything.
4. I am going to continue working part-time as a pharmacy intern at Walgreens. Sometimes I question whether the stress is worth the pay but I realize that it is great experience with patients and with medication knowledge, plus it is a reliable income stream.
5. I still have all my extra curriculars to think about, including academic affairs committees, dean's advisory council, pharmacy leadership council, Best Buddies, intramurals, etc.
I want to take advantage of lots of things, so I say yes to everything and realize too late that it be more than I can handle. I like to be busy but not overwhelmed. My addiction continues as I wish I had more hours in the day for all these opportunities.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Making Summer Fun in Des Moines!
10. NCAA Track and Field Finals
9. Saylorville Lake....when its not flooded
8. Wealth of outdoor restaurants and bars
7. Ragbraii hoopla...more fun if it were to travel through the city
6. Des Moines Art fest --- views and music
5. Ribfest---awsome performers and food
4. Weekly movies and music in the parks
3. Iowa Cubs Games---cheap and fun
2. Weekly farmers markets all over the city.
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