Sunday, August 24, 2008

First Day of Class!

to everyone on the first day/week of classes!!
I know I am not ready at all for classes to start. Starting is the hardest part after a break because once the classes begin the semester starts to fly by. First is fall break then thanksgiving and then winter break before you know it. It goes by like a rushing train and the hardest part is initially grabbing onto that speeding train. I feel like each semester is a new start that makes me a bit more mature, a bit smarter, and a bit closer to being a true adult in the real world (scary!). I am nervous for my first week of school, not as nervous as my freshman year but trust me the nerves never fully go away. Each semester there are new classes, new teachers, new people, all adding to the anxious feelings that get the semester going.
Freshman: No need to get dolled up for class like in high school, pjs or jeans will do.
Sophomores: No, not every book you bought is need in each class. Figure out which ones you really need or can share and return the rest.
Juniors: Enjoy school but watch how many classes you skip. Keep working hard since your already half way done.
P1: Congrats on making it into the program. This year is not so bad and it is the half way point in May.
Again Good Luck and Enjoy. School is supposed to be "Educational" and FUN!

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