Remember when you were a kid and birthdays were the most cherished day of the year because it meant you got lots of presents, the attention was totally on you, and you could do whatever you wanted and no one could say otherwise. When people asked what you wanted for your birthday you already had a list in your mind that you had been working on for months which included the coolest pogs, the biggest barbie beach house, the newest nintendo game, the prettiest makeup, the fastest bike or the coolest clothes.

I miss those days since now each birthday just means I am getting old, I have more responsibility and I have to 'grow up'. My birthday is approaching once again and not only is it harder for me to accept that I am growing older but it is harder for me to think of gifts that I want. First of all I am too old for gifts people have more important things to spend their money on. Second of all there are less and less material gifts that I want. As each year passes I realize that my list of birthday gifts that I really want are things that cannot be bought or even simply given to someone else. So to everyone that keeps asking me what I want for my birthday here is my "true" birthday wish list (in no particular order):
1. Greater self-esteem
2. Better self-image/self-perception
3. Ability to truly enjoy myself
4. True Beauty
5. Increased knowledge
6. A Secure future
7. Loving companionship
8. Better understanding of different worldly views
9. Deeper meaning to my life
10. Ability to protect others, especially friends and family, from harm or hurtful feelings
11. Accepting the fact that I cannot control everything
12. True happiness with myself
13. Increased flexibility when encountering change
14. Capability of making everyone's life a little better
15. Being remembered as a good person by leaving the world a better place than I found it.
What do you want for your birthday?
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