Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

I miss the days of trick or treating until it was pitch black and still trying to catch a few houses on the way home. I used to get so much candy that I would look forward to eating it for the next 3 weeks and eating all that candy was allowed since you had gone out and collected it yourself. I remember sorting through the pillowcases of candy and trading the unwanted candy with siblings for things I thought were much better. It took a few weeks to think of the perfect costume that other people wouldn't have and then a few more weeks to scrounge up the pieces to make the bought was not an option. Some of my favorite past costumes include:

cat, princess (a few different ones), bride, belly dancer, bum, karate kid, witch, clown, spice girl, baby, angel, mad scientist, tarzan's wife, rabbit, farmer...

I do not miss the years when it was so cold you had to put on a parka over your costume which ruined your beautiful 'princess gown' or 'turtle man suit'. Or the nights when it was raining so hard that you HAD to stop collecting candy because people started to refuse to open their doors.

I now enjoy the opportunity to dress up as whatever I want without offending too many people and having another reason to go out to party. As well as passing out candy to all the adorable kids that come proudly dressed up and ready to collect.

Halloween is such a great nonsense holiday that lets kids be creative while getting their tummy aches from all the great sweets! It allows adults to be creative while giving them another reason to have fun and celebrate. So ENJOY!


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