Saturday, August 2, 2008

Can Anyone Help?

When you would be coming back to the Drake area?
Do you would want to make some extra money before school starts?
Are you a Walgreens pharmacy employee?

I am supposed to work the following shifts but my family is coming in to town and then I have to go home for some doctors appointments and stuff before school starts.

If you are a Walgreens pharmacy employee and could cover some or all of the times/shifts let me know. I would appreciate any help you could give, plus you could make some extra cash before classes start.

Walgreens across the street from Drake-
Sat. Aug 16 9:45-6:15
Sun. Aug 17 10:45-6:15
Mon AUg 18 10-6:30
Tue Aug 19 10-5:30
Thr Aug 21 8:30-5
Fri Aug 22 10:30-7

I hope your not working too hard. Enjoy the last few weeks.Let me know your availability ASAP! Thanks!

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