Saturday, October 4, 2008

Never Thought I Would Poke Someone!

As a kid, I dreaded the doctor for one main reason. Not because I was scared the doctor would tell me I had some life threatening disease or because I would have to take medicine for the rest of life. Just like most other kids I was more worried and even cried about those dreaded things called “Shots”. The word alone made me run the other way as I promised my mom I would eat all my vegetables and more if I just did not have to get those horrible “shots”. Parents always try to ease the children’s’ minds by telling them that shots are just little pinches that do not hurt or by trying a multitude of tactics including distractions or the child’s favorite, bribes. Some people never get over their fear of shots not because they hurt but because the person has some psychological fear or needles.

Well lucky for me as I have grown older I have learned to deal with shots or blood draws. In fact for the first time in my life I did something this past Thursday that I never thought I would be doing in my life. I was on the other side of those things called “shots”. Yes, I along with 2 other certified pharmacy interns and a pharmacist immunized over 75 patients against the flu and pneumonia in about a 6 hour time span. CRAZY?? I know.

Yes pharmacists and pharmacy interns can and do give shots as long as they are certified. Certification includes taking and passing a separate immunization course, passing CPR training and completing training on blood-borne pathogens education. Interns can only administer immunizations in the presence of a licensed pharmacist or doctor that can also give shots. People were shocked when we told them we were pharmacy students because they thought only medical doctors and students gave shots.

I was EXTREMELY nervous at first, worrying that people might find the shots painful but I got more comfortable as I realized no one was crying in pain and that most people did not even notice me poking them. I tried to keep the patients very comfortable while keep their minds off the shot and in doing so I think I became more comfortable myself. I learned a lot, including how tough elder’s skin is, how bony some people are and when going to get shots…..wear appropriate clothing.

Being certified has opened a whole new area of pharmacy that I can now practice in which is nice because it varies up the routine. Now I cannot go give anyone any kind of shot yet, but that is ok because I am not quite ready to do so, however I am ready for the next few months as flu season approaches and I have one or two immunization clinics each week, where I will be giving, “shots”. Hope to poke you soon!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I bet when you gave the "shot" it really did not hurt any of the people, as you have a big heart and show lots of love for all your patients which made them feel at ease