Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Not Enough Hours in The Day

I am Always busy, but mostly because I make myself. I hate when I feel like I have wasted time or that I could have accomplished more and when I am busy I do not feel either of these. It is almost like and addiction that I can't seem to control. My ambitious attitude keeps me on my toes with things that I enjoy but sometimes this comes back to bite me in the butt.

The semester has not even started and I am worried about being overwhelmed (as usual).

1. I have a full course with all my pharmacy classes, which should be interesting considering my class is the first pharmacy class to go through the new curriculum for the college or pharmacy. It is definitely more time consuming considering how many out of class volunteer hours we have to complete. This year it is about 50 hours a semester, which does not seem like too many, but when you are going to class full time these hours are hard to squeeze in especially since most have to be during the weekdays, when you have class.

2. I am going beyond the 18 credit full time limit to 21 credits so that I can complete another business class as well as business seminar for my MBA degree. All of these academics will keep me busy with books.

3. I took on a position as a TA for the P1 Intro to Pharmaceutical Sciences class. I am very excited for this job because it puts together two things I like, pharmacy and teaching. I know that I am not required to work a lot of hours a week in this position but I want to do a good job and will not half-ass anything.

4. I am going to continue working part-time as a pharmacy intern at Walgreens. Sometimes I question whether the stress is worth the pay but I realize that it is great experience with patients and with medication knowledge, plus it is a reliable income stream.

5. I still have all my extra curriculars to think about, including academic affairs committees, dean's advisory council, pharmacy leadership council, Best Buddies, intramurals, etc.

I want to take advantage of lots of things, so I say yes to everything and realize too late that it be more than I can handle. I like to be busy but not overwhelmed. My addiction continues as I wish I had more hours in the day for all these opportunities.

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