Friday, April 3, 2009

Relay For Life!

Tonight and into tomorrow morning is Relay for Life at Drake University! This will be my fourth year involved as a participant and every year it keeps getting better. Props to the planning and execution committees as well as all the participants year after year. It is an awesome event for a great cause. If you have never been to one or heard of one, it is an event that raises money for cancer research and awareness through a 12 hour walk/run. Individuals form or join teams or any size. That team raises money and is expected to have at least one person from their team walking or running during at all times during that 12 hour period. These relays happen all around the country throughout the year. Drake makes the event fun, memorable and touching. Each year a candle like vigil with personalized candle bags lining the track and performers and speakers is planned. These always bring emotion and meaning. Live music is brought in throughout the night to keep the energy going and the environment happy. Food is provided throughout the night with pizza, subs, snacks,etc and into the morning with coffee, bagels, and granola bars. Crafts, games, and events keep people without a moment to get bored. The night remains very meaningful but also extremely fun! Where else can you help out a good cause and get over 300 of your classmates to spend the night together?

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