Saturday, April 18, 2009

A Sunny Friday Afternoon + Paint + A Street + College Kids = FUN

What a way to kick off Drake "Relays Season" then with a sunny Friday afternoon and the always amazing....STREET PAINTING!!
The tradition at Drake for the past few decades has been to allow dozens of school organizations to paint a 10 foot by 10 foot square of concrete on one of the univerisity's streets. The painting and paint is pre-approved by an organizing committee so that not just ANYTHING is painted and so that the squares have something to do with Drake, the organization, and the relays theme. The organizing committe plans an afternoon when all the organizations and whoever wants to come out...can paint their squares.
Street Drake students call it, is one of the MOST FUN school sponsored events ever!! I was somewhat worried that the event would be canceled this year because the college had just repaved the traditional street and might not want to ruin it and there was supposed to be rain all day Saturday. THANKFULLY streetpainting was on as the committee moved the official painting time to Friday afternoon and the maintenance crews started moving and covering monuments, trees, benches and anything nearby that could not afford to be splattered with paint. Also, bright and early the crew was setting up the outside showers for students to wash off in after painting. Why would anyone need a shower you ask???
Street painting is a serious event because the painting will be there all year, so only a limited number of groups get squares, the groups take pride in their squares and they all look fantastic when they are finished.
So why showers?? Well, street painting as mentioned before is one of the most fun times at Drake. During and after the squares are done students run around painting anything in site...including each other. There is no alcohol at the event however some students show up already full of drink and jolly. These students, although not much help with painting, usually get the most painted on them and are the entertainment.
This year was no different. With the sun shinning, the music pumping, all your peers and friends painting and playing....STREET PAINTING lives on as one of the best times in College!

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