Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Someone Stole My Car!

Monday after my classes and studying for about 4 hours, I got ready for my gold lesson. I was somewhat sad because my friends were not going to go with me because they needed to study for their exams. Either way I was set on going since I only had 2 more lessons left. I drove to my lesson and it went Great! I was actually doing half way decent in the fact that I did not have to hide my face after every shot. It was nice since there was fewer of us we got more individual coaching and we got to practice in the 'better' area of the dome. After my lesson I drove home jamming to the music on the radio, as I always do in the car.

I had brought all my books with me, so I drove straight to the library to check my email and finish up some stuff. As a class representative on our College of Pharmacy Dean's Advisory Council, I am in charge of elections for next year's class representatives. So I decided to create an online survey through the website, It is kinda neat, you can join for free and make simple surveys/ballots for people to fill out and it does all the tabulations online for you. So it took me a while to figure out how to fit the survey together and get each candidate's complete profile on the ballots without exceeding word limits. After about 2 hours, I was so excited that I had finished and sent out the ballots by email. I left the library and started to walk back to my apartment since it is only about 3 blocks away. I was thinking about my priorities that night and what I would need to study for the next day's exam.

When I got to my apartment I saw a HUGE empty spot where my car is usually parked.... I PANICKED!! Someone had STOLEN my car!!!! I searched my purse for my keys and then realized....

I was the THIEF! I had driven to the library straight from my lesson. My car was back at the library, while I was already back at my apartment. Yes, this shows the value of my college education. So I had to walk back to the library to pick up my car and drive it back to my apartment. I got to laugh at myself all night for that and am still laughing. I guess I can play some pretty good tricks on myself! I will never steal a car again.

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