Thursday, April 23, 2009

"Accidentally" Met Lolo Jones!

I was working out Wednesday morning as I usually do. I decided to do some running exercises on the indoor track since I had some extra time and felt motivated that morning. A little bit into my workout, a young man comes up to me and asks if I am on the Drake Track Team. Regrettably, I say no but explain that I ran track throughout high school. I wish I could have kept up all the athletics I did in high school but with pharmacy and business classes and a few jobs, I just do not have the time to devote to practices or away meets/games. So the man starts to tell me all about his daughter who is going to Drake and will be running on the team next year. I am interested but at the same time just want to get back to me workout. Either way, he continues to brag about his daughter's hurdling form and her times (parents are always so proud of their kids).

Eventually I ask him what he is doing at the gym and why there were about 6 other people there. He goes on to tell me that the other people there are his neighbors. They had bid $1200 to spend an hour working out with Lolo Jones. At first I almost fell over when I thought of $1200 for an hour workout...wish I was worth that much. Then he told me that the workout was part of a fundraiser auction. This made a little bit more sense, but still $ I could buy a year's worth of books for that! The man then asked if I wanted to stay to see Lolo. I was all sweaty, smelly and messy looking in my workout clothes, so I graciously said no. At that moment as I wished I would have gotten dolled up to workout that day, Lolo walks in with her trainer. They both had normal workout clothes on and came in very unassuming. As an aside, Lolo is a beautiful women! She is strong, dark and tall. She started greeting everyone there as if it were a greeting line at a wedding. I was at the end and as she came to me I just told her my name and that I was a Drake student and fan of hers. She went on to talk about Drake and Des Moines and her Olympic experiences. She is an extraordinary person and humble individual. I left soon after as I had to get to class. As I was changing for class, I realized that those people had paid $1200 to see Lolo and I had paid nothing to meet the same person. I guess the right place at the right time really does apply.

I texted about 30 people after that bragging about my 'star' encounter. Most of the people had no idea who Lolo Jones was and texted me back with question marks. Have these people been living in caves??? By the way, she is a USA Olympic Track and Field competitor. She did run in the 2008 China Olympics (and did GREAT, besides a little stumble over a hurdle that cost her a medal). Lolo is one of the most sincere, true and hardworking athletes I know. She is not in it for the fame but rather for herself and her personal goals. During my next class I did not want to concentrate as I just kept telling my colleagues how going to Drake and working out pays might just meet Lolo Jones if you are at the Drake gym.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jack H is trying to set me up by posting false homosexually charged messages in my 'anonymous' name on his 'Forgotten Prophets' blog. He may be doing the same elsewhere. I believe that he also plans to post a photo and a link and make it appear as if I posted that photo myself. If you happen to see this photo and know of its source, post that source here. There may be criminal activity involved.