Saturday, March 28, 2009

Summer Plans

I had sent out about 18 applications over winter break for internships this summer. Mostly in my major interests of pharmaceutical industry or research. I had a few interviews over the phone and in person. I was really excited about a few but never got responses back whereas others had to cancel their internships due to the economy and still others are deciding. I was offered an internship here in Des Moines working in the district office of a pharmacy chain, focusing on pharmacy management. It was not my first choice but I figured I should take it because who knows what else I would be offered.

I was initially disappointed because I would have rather been doing research this summer. I was also concerned that if I kept taking retail pharmacy jobs and I ever wanted to apply to a fellowship they may look down upon my lack of research. After talking to a few successful Drake Alumn and my family, I realized that whatever I do this summer will not make or break my future. Just because I do or do not do have lots of practice in a field does not mean I cannot go into it. I can do whatever I want to do after graduation as long as I have the drive to do it. The experience that I get this summer will be what I make of it. I am determined to make it a great experience and amazing summer.

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