Monday, April 27, 2009

Reception at the President's House

Last week on Wednesday one of the pharmacy faculty, Dr. Lon Larson, received the prestigious Weaver Medal of Honor. This award is given out yearly to a deserving member of the college to recognize their achievements and efforts to the practice of pharmacy as well as the Drake itself. Dr. Larson is one of my favorite teachers and mentors as he is one of the most optimistic people I have ever met. He has a very worldly view of things, supported opinions, enthusiasm and a heart for teaching. He never feels bad for himself, as he and his son struggle with bone cancer that is a roller coaster of ups and downs. He has great joy for life, friendship and learning.

Dr. Larson gave a thank you speech that was great, as usual. After the award ceremony, I was asked as a member of the Dean Student Advisory Council to attend a reception at the President Maxwell's home. It was a great time as I got to chat with National Advisory Council members and the Board of trustees as well as other faculty and administrators. These 'adults' are always interested in talking to students about how things are going and what can be improved, which says a lot about how the university is looked over. The home was spotless and adorable as usual on the sunny afternoon. They had vale service, an overwhelming amount of delicious hors d'oeuvres and desserts, and a variety of wines, beers, and other drinks. It was very well orchestrated and hosted. There were guests everywhere throughout the home and on the veranda. We had to pose for a few pictures as if we were going into some family album (I guess we are all Drake family). I felt like an elite member of society, mingling among all the wealthy and powerful individuals....which I am at all not. After the reception, one of the house workers (yes, they have house help) gave me a tour of the home as I got to see the numerous themed rooms on all four floors.

I almost did not go to the reception, afraid it might be stuffy and boring. These are the times and events that make me glad to put in extra effort for extracurricular activities.

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