Thursday, July 30, 2009

A Bit About Pharmacy School and Me

Drake is a direct admittance as long as you keep up your GPA in the first two years and provide a good interview after your second year. It is not impossible as long as you are willing to put forth effort and study. In the first two years (prepharmacy) you take general chemistry, organic chemistry, biology, physiology, calculus, english, and some general education credit courses. If you like chemistry and biology you have half the battle down! Math is important to pharmacy but not advanced math. Algebra is mostly the math used.

I was really involved in a LOT of things in high school while maintaining my grades. I really enjoyed chemistry and math in high school. I also enjoyed english, history and economics. I took spanish and enjoyed it but have not practiced it much since high school so I am getting pretty rusty at it. Besides classes, I was a band nerd (in marching band and concert band), was a captain on the track team, was a member of the cross country team, participated in gymnastics, was on my class board, was a english tutor, was president of my drug awareness club, was a mentor in a leadership organization and still had time to have fun! The biggest themes that pharmacy involves are math, chemistry, people skills, and motivation.

Being apart of extracurriculars is what makes school fun, so do what you like. That goes for college too. If you enjoy band or dance or sports you can do all of that while in college. The pharmacy program at Drake is rigorous but all the students are involved in some outside groups or interests. You can still do band or play a sport or be a committee member. Does this help? Let me know if you have any other questions as I would love to share more with you! Enjoy the weekend!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You definitely were a BIG Band Nerd! I complete agree with you, that school is VERY VERY important. I also completely agree with you that no matter if you are studying to be a pharmacist, teacher, or career school attendee, you must get involved with extra curricular activities. These activities are what shape you, open your eyes to other possibilities in life, open your eyes your likes and dislikes at times, and what help you escape from the stress of school. While in school, you have soo many opportunities at your finger tips. Once you get out of school these same opportunities are not right in front of you, so take advantage while you can!