Tuesday, July 7, 2009


I enjoy reading good books. I am a fan of adventures, mysteries, classics and history. During most of the year the only books I get to read are my textbooks...which are not on my or any top novel list. The summer is really the only time I get to pleasure read. This summer I got book recommendations from almost every friend. One series that was recommended over and over was the "Twilight" series of books by Stephanie Meyer.

I was very hesitant to start the books because I am not into fi-sci, aliens, other beings, and fabled stories. People kept telling my how good the books were yet I thought, how good could a book about vampires be? I was sick of being nagged and left out of conversations, so I decided to break down and start the books.

I became HOOKED! I was beyond intrigued by the story and thoroughly involved in the characters' lives. I looked forward to getting further into the book each day. I felt the happiness, sadness, passion and emotion that the characters felt and wanted to be apart of the book. The story is exciting, adventurous and youthful.

Me of all people, who takes things so seriously, was into this fictional book. Really the books are great! I am halfway done with the second book in the series. I feel less excitement but more intrigue and yearning for the good of the characters in this book as compared to the first. I am not as impressed by the second book but I keep reading. I know something good is going to happen so I keep reading anxious for the characters' lives and stories to continue. I will not ruin the books for anyone still getting through them or planning on reading them even though many people are already done with all 4 books. Instead I suggest, read the books yourself!

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