Tuesday, July 14, 2009

A Little Bit of This and That

This Friday I am going to see the new Harry Potter movie. I have not read all of the books so feel almost as if I am cheating by going to see this movie. I usually follow the rule to read the book before I see the movie. In my opinion, a movie ruins the imagination you use as you read or hear a new story. My friends got tickets for the movie already and I figure that I know the characters and their lives so well that the movie should not ruin too much for me.

I forgot how much I enjoyed Michael Jackson's music until I recently began to hear more of his music on the radio and online. He was an eccentric individual and a wonderful entertainer. He had phenomenal hit songs. Some of my favorites include: Wanna Be Startin' Somethin', Billie Jean, Pretty Young Thing, Rock With You, The Way You Make Me Feel. It seems like everyone around the world knows the pop star and the songs he sang. Each person likes one song better than another. What are your favorites?

I do not hate cats but I am not very fond of them. They always seem moody, sly, high maintenance, clawing, hissing, and unfriendly. I have yet to meet a cat that is truly a people cat and that does not seem angry but when I do, I may change my bias.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Billie Jean is my MOST FAVORITE!!!