Sunday, July 26, 2009

Books and Movies and Newspapers

I saw the new Harry Potter movie and was not as impressed with the depicted story line as I wanted to be. The movie was great in the action, the staging, the scenes, and filming in general. The story line (or lack of) made the movie go by slowly (not in comparison to the story of the book). Also, the scene at the end with Dumbledor was disappointing. I enjoyed the film for a film's sake but not the story line of the movie.

Since starting the Twilight series I have become interested in seeing the movies that portray the books. I have mental pictures and associations with the characters and their personalities, so I have decided to wait and finished the last two books before I start seeing the films. This way I will not ruin/distort my perceptions for the rest of the stories.

I enjoy reading the newspaper each day to keep up to date on stories around the world, read some good literature, find out others opinions and complete the puzzles. I would rather read the newspaper than watch the daily news because I feel that I get more information. While reading through an old newspaper I found this funny story:

"In December 2003 Yves Julien worked a regular 11-hour shift plus overtime all at premium pay for the Canada Border Services Agency and then demanded an additional $9 (Cdn) for a sandwich he had purchased when asked to put in the extra hours. The agency said he was not entitled by contract because the overtime was already at premium pay. In September 2008 after nearly five years of multiple reviews hair-splitting legal decisions and lengthy appeals Julien won his $9." [Globe and Mail 9-10-08]

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