Wednesday, July 22, 2009

A Little Worried

I woke up this morning with my left year not feeling quite right. My ear felt like it was full of cotton with a constant humming sound resonating from the ear. My hearing was muffled all day as the humming continued to get louder and soften at various moments. I tried to pop my ears thinking it may help...but it did not. I tried cleaning out my ears with q-tips (not too far)...but it did not work. I tried laying on my left side with the intent of letting it drain...but it did not. I tried rubbing the area around the ear trying to loosen any blockage...did not help.

My ear does not hurt, I have not been sick recently, have not had any major head trauma, and have not been swimming lately. The stuffiness, muffled hearing and constant hum are just annoying. I am going to try some decongestant (sudafed) to see if it will dry up anything (if there is anything in my ear to dry up).

Has anyone ever felt this before? Any suggestions? I am just worried about permanent hearing loss or damage. Any answers?


Anonymous said...

I'm not a doctor, but it could be as simple as wax in your ear or fluid. Did you have a cold or allergies bothering you in the last couple of weeks? It's probably not serious, since you have no pain and no bleeding from the ear, but you should have it looked at if it continues and the sudafed doesn't help.

Brian Gongol said...

Happens to me about twice a year, due to allergies. Drop a little mineral oil in the ear and let it sit for a few minutes, then flush with warm water, preferably using a ball-type ear syringe. It may take several cycles of flushing, but it works every time.