Thursday, April 30, 2009

Happy 100th Birthday Drake Relays!

The 100th running of the Drake Relays was last weekend and I am ashamed that I have not blogged about them yet! No, I have not been hung over for an entire week. The two weeks before relays are just filled with events, visitors, and fun. I have been busy enjoying and blogging about all the other things going on.

The Drake Relays are equivalent to homecoming at a big ten university. The small Drake campus becomes a big university for a week with all the people, traffic, publicity, and enthusiasm. Everyone throughout the country can recognize the name "Drake" if followed by the word "Relays" better than they can recognize the school alone. The running of the relays have become a legacy as this year was the 100th anniversary of the first relays meet. Many famous runners, Olympians, record holders, athletes, and coaches have been apart of the Drake relays at some point. All of these people seem to remember their relays experience and associate tradition and fun with these memories. Watching the athletes compete is indescribable as each year phenomenal individuals put on outstanding performances in every event, rain or shine (usually more rain than sunshine).

Relays for Drake students and the Des Moines community include:
-painting streets
-hosting parades
-campus carnivals
-lots of visitors especially alumni
-many great athletes
-comedians, magicians, musical performers
-block parties in downtown Des Moines
-BBQ's galore
-lots of bar specials
-canceled classes
-multiple parties everynight for a week and a half
-beer and pancake breakfasts all weekend
-state fair food...waffle cakes, corn dogs, turkey legs, etc
-vibrant school spirit
-FUN for everyone!!

Everyone should experience the relays at least once in their life!

Happy 100th Drake Relays!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Reception at the President's House

Last week on Wednesday one of the pharmacy faculty, Dr. Lon Larson, received the prestigious Weaver Medal of Honor. This award is given out yearly to a deserving member of the college to recognize their achievements and efforts to the practice of pharmacy as well as the Drake itself. Dr. Larson is one of my favorite teachers and mentors as he is one of the most optimistic people I have ever met. He has a very worldly view of things, supported opinions, enthusiasm and a heart for teaching. He never feels bad for himself, as he and his son struggle with bone cancer that is a roller coaster of ups and downs. He has great joy for life, friendship and learning.

Dr. Larson gave a thank you speech that was great, as usual. After the award ceremony, I was asked as a member of the Dean Student Advisory Council to attend a reception at the President Maxwell's home. It was a great time as I got to chat with National Advisory Council members and the Board of trustees as well as other faculty and administrators. These 'adults' are always interested in talking to students about how things are going and what can be improved, which says a lot about how the university is looked over. The home was spotless and adorable as usual on the sunny afternoon. They had vale service, an overwhelming amount of delicious hors d'oeuvres and desserts, and a variety of wines, beers, and other drinks. It was very well orchestrated and hosted. There were guests everywhere throughout the home and on the veranda. We had to pose for a few pictures as if we were going into some family album (I guess we are all Drake family). I felt like an elite member of society, mingling among all the wealthy and powerful individuals....which I am at all not. After the reception, one of the house workers (yes, they have house help) gave me a tour of the home as I got to see the numerous themed rooms on all four floors.

I almost did not go to the reception, afraid it might be stuffy and boring. These are the times and events that make me glad to put in extra effort for extracurricular activities.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

"Accidentally" Met Lolo Jones!

I was working out Wednesday morning as I usually do. I decided to do some running exercises on the indoor track since I had some extra time and felt motivated that morning. A little bit into my workout, a young man comes up to me and asks if I am on the Drake Track Team. Regrettably, I say no but explain that I ran track throughout high school. I wish I could have kept up all the athletics I did in high school but with pharmacy and business classes and a few jobs, I just do not have the time to devote to practices or away meets/games. So the man starts to tell me all about his daughter who is going to Drake and will be running on the team next year. I am interested but at the same time just want to get back to me workout. Either way, he continues to brag about his daughter's hurdling form and her times (parents are always so proud of their kids).

Eventually I ask him what he is doing at the gym and why there were about 6 other people there. He goes on to tell me that the other people there are his neighbors. They had bid $1200 to spend an hour working out with Lolo Jones. At first I almost fell over when I thought of $1200 for an hour workout...wish I was worth that much. Then he told me that the workout was part of a fundraiser auction. This made a little bit more sense, but still $ I could buy a year's worth of books for that! The man then asked if I wanted to stay to see Lolo. I was all sweaty, smelly and messy looking in my workout clothes, so I graciously said no. At that moment as I wished I would have gotten dolled up to workout that day, Lolo walks in with her trainer. They both had normal workout clothes on and came in very unassuming. As an aside, Lolo is a beautiful women! She is strong, dark and tall. She started greeting everyone there as if it were a greeting line at a wedding. I was at the end and as she came to me I just told her my name and that I was a Drake student and fan of hers. She went on to talk about Drake and Des Moines and her Olympic experiences. She is an extraordinary person and humble individual. I left soon after as I had to get to class. As I was changing for class, I realized that those people had paid $1200 to see Lolo and I had paid nothing to meet the same person. I guess the right place at the right time really does apply.

I texted about 30 people after that bragging about my 'star' encounter. Most of the people had no idea who Lolo Jones was and texted me back with question marks. Have these people been living in caves??? By the way, she is a USA Olympic Track and Field competitor. She did run in the 2008 China Olympics (and did GREAT, besides a little stumble over a hurdle that cost her a medal). Lolo is one of the most sincere, true and hardworking athletes I know. She is not in it for the fame but rather for herself and her personal goals. During my next class I did not want to concentrate as I just kept telling my colleagues how going to Drake and working out pays might just meet Lolo Jones if you are at the Drake gym.

Monday, April 20, 2009

How do the homeless survive?

As a pharmacy student there are LOTS of volunteer health care hours you have to do outside of class. I was trying to fulfill some of mine by helping out with a free health care clinic at a local homeless shelter for the past two weeks. I learned a lot of lessons that were health based and social based. I began to understand more about our publicly funded health care programs and the many struggles it faces. I also learned how scary, difficult, lonely and discouraging homelessness might be. I felt empathetic for all the patients we saw because I cannot truly imagine how hard it must be knowing you have to suffer through pain because you do not have healthcare or the means to get any medical attention. I also learned a few lessons on how homeless people survive and get resources they may need/want.

-There are many shelters that are willing to help out with a place to stay or eat. If you are there beyond your welcome stay there is always another city or state nearby that has a shelter. Plus, there is not rule saying you cannot come back in a few months.
-There are very few free health clinics in larger cities. Dental is never included.
-If you cannot afford cigarettes (who can nowadays) you can always count on finding butts around that can be lit up.
-Sorting through residential dumpsters for cans and bottles in states with deposits can be semi-profitable if you do not mind the smell and are diligent.
-Soup kitchens are scatter around the city and open certain days or meals so keep your eyes open and ears peeled about the scoop.
-Sorting through commercial dumpsters can be good news if you are looking for something to eat and there are no soup kitchens open.
-Forests are somewhat warmer and safer when winter comes along.
-Shelters are pretty generous with clothes if they have your size.
-Convenience stores and fast food restaurants are numerous therefore bathrooms are nearby.
-Public libraries are a warm, safe place that you can catch up on some reading or a nap.
-Free samples are a god send.
-Look at the bright side you are still living to see another day.

I guess when you do not have too much you can always rely on creativity to get you through!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

A Sunny Friday Afternoon + Paint + A Street + College Kids = FUN

What a way to kick off Drake "Relays Season" then with a sunny Friday afternoon and the always amazing....STREET PAINTING!!
The tradition at Drake for the past few decades has been to allow dozens of school organizations to paint a 10 foot by 10 foot square of concrete on one of the univerisity's streets. The painting and paint is pre-approved by an organizing committee so that not just ANYTHING is painted and so that the squares have something to do with Drake, the organization, and the relays theme. The organizing committe plans an afternoon when all the organizations and whoever wants to come out...can paint their squares.
Street Drake students call it, is one of the MOST FUN school sponsored events ever!! I was somewhat worried that the event would be canceled this year because the college had just repaved the traditional street and might not want to ruin it and there was supposed to be rain all day Saturday. THANKFULLY streetpainting was on as the committee moved the official painting time to Friday afternoon and the maintenance crews started moving and covering monuments, trees, benches and anything nearby that could not afford to be splattered with paint. Also, bright and early the crew was setting up the outside showers for students to wash off in after painting. Why would anyone need a shower you ask???
Street painting is a serious event because the painting will be there all year, so only a limited number of groups get squares, the groups take pride in their squares and they all look fantastic when they are finished.
So why showers?? Well, street painting as mentioned before is one of the most fun times at Drake. During and after the squares are done students run around painting anything in site...including each other. There is no alcohol at the event however some students show up already full of drink and jolly. These students, although not much help with painting, usually get the most painted on them and are the entertainment.
This year was no different. With the sun shinning, the music pumping, all your peers and friends painting and playing....STREET PAINTING lives on as one of the best times in College!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Paying $4000 to Teach Myself?

I am a little frustrated with one of my classes this semester. I was really looking forward to learning the material so that I could use it at work now and in the future when counseling patients. As the semester started, I had great plans that I would learn a lot of new information that I could share and practice. I thought the class was going to be invaluable. The format of the class is new this year but the teacher is not. The teacher is very intelligent and a great person

Then the class started. It started off rocky, like most new classes do. I gave it some time to get used to and have been working my butt off to keep up and do well. I read the book, take notes, make charts, study, the whole bit. I attend every lecture and group day yet feel like I have learned nearly nothing from the teacher. I feel like the teacher is not really teaching and that I am having to teach myself the entire course. This makes the class difficult let alone hard to relate any of the course material. I am disappointed because I am finding it hard to use and practice what I am studying since a book can take course information so far.

I know it is the students responsibility to learn the information but why students paying $4000 (plus $150 for the book) to teach themselves a course? I can memorize facts but if I do not understand them they mean nothing to me and I will never be able to use them. Students are responsible for their own learning but I think that teachers are also responsible to teach. If one party is doing everything and the other party is doing very little the two will never make a connection. It is mostly frustrating for me because I was prepared for a phenomenal class in which I would learn a lot of practical information but have failed to really learn and understand as much as I would have liked.

Too bad college does not come with a 100% satisfaction or money guarantee.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Someone Stole My Car!

Monday after my classes and studying for about 4 hours, I got ready for my gold lesson. I was somewhat sad because my friends were not going to go with me because they needed to study for their exams. Either way I was set on going since I only had 2 more lessons left. I drove to my lesson and it went Great! I was actually doing half way decent in the fact that I did not have to hide my face after every shot. It was nice since there was fewer of us we got more individual coaching and we got to practice in the 'better' area of the dome. After my lesson I drove home jamming to the music on the radio, as I always do in the car.

I had brought all my books with me, so I drove straight to the library to check my email and finish up some stuff. As a class representative on our College of Pharmacy Dean's Advisory Council, I am in charge of elections for next year's class representatives. So I decided to create an online survey through the website, It is kinda neat, you can join for free and make simple surveys/ballots for people to fill out and it does all the tabulations online for you. So it took me a while to figure out how to fit the survey together and get each candidate's complete profile on the ballots without exceeding word limits. After about 2 hours, I was so excited that I had finished and sent out the ballots by email. I left the library and started to walk back to my apartment since it is only about 3 blocks away. I was thinking about my priorities that night and what I would need to study for the next day's exam.

When I got to my apartment I saw a HUGE empty spot where my car is usually parked.... I PANICKED!! Someone had STOLEN my car!!!! I searched my purse for my keys and then realized....

I was the THIEF! I had driven to the library straight from my lesson. My car was back at the library, while I was already back at my apartment. Yes, this shows the value of my college education. So I had to walk back to the library to pick up my car and drive it back to my apartment. I got to laugh at myself all night for that and am still laughing. I guess I can play some pretty good tricks on myself! I will never steal a car again.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Relay For Life!

Tonight and into tomorrow morning is Relay for Life at Drake University! This will be my fourth year involved as a participant and every year it keeps getting better. Props to the planning and execution committees as well as all the participants year after year. It is an awesome event for a great cause. If you have never been to one or heard of one, it is an event that raises money for cancer research and awareness through a 12 hour walk/run. Individuals form or join teams or any size. That team raises money and is expected to have at least one person from their team walking or running during at all times during that 12 hour period. These relays happen all around the country throughout the year. Drake makes the event fun, memorable and touching. Each year a candle like vigil with personalized candle bags lining the track and performers and speakers is planned. These always bring emotion and meaning. Live music is brought in throughout the night to keep the energy going and the environment happy. Food is provided throughout the night with pizza, subs, snacks,etc and into the morning with coffee, bagels, and granola bars. Crafts, games, and events keep people without a moment to get bored. The night remains very meaningful but also extremely fun! Where else can you help out a good cause and get over 300 of your classmates to spend the night together?