Monday, March 23, 2009

Choosing a College

It is college touring season!!

I know because no matter where I am at on campus: class, the gym, or in the union, I feel like a zoo animal in a cage that visitors are staring at. It is really actually fun for me to see all the perspective students visiting because I remember when I was in that exact position.

I could not wait to be a junior in high school and start getting all the college mail. It made me feel 'wanted' and 'accepted' as if college is some cool society. Then came the standardized tests to quantify my knowledge. Then I applied to a bunch of schools, visited multiple campuses, applied for a dozen scholarships and went on some interviews. I got some acceptance letters and some rejection letters. After that came the contemplation....what do I want to be when I grow up? and where do I want to go to do that

I am a VERY indecisive person so for me at the time these questions where just as much if not more difficult to answer than for most students. I was nervous that I had to make the perfect decision in order to secure the perfect future. Should I choose the major that would be the most prestigious? Do I pick a major that would be easiest? Do I pick a major that may make me lots of money? Should I choose the major I think I am interested in? Then came.... Do I want to go to the same school as all my friends? How far away from home do I want to get? Do I want a school where it is always summer?

Looking back theses were some of the hardest decisions I had to make. Now I think about it and realize that it should have been one of the easiest decisions because no matter what school I would have gone to or what major I would have chosen it would all have turned out great.

Of course it is important to realize your top few choices in school and interests but once you have narrowed your focus down slightly, in the end the college, the education and the experiences are what you make of it so it really no bad decision can be made.

A few basic questions can help narrow your focus. Beyond that your good to go anywhere to do anything

Big or small school?
Near or far?
How much can you afford?
Where can I see myself spending the next four or more years?
What subjects do you like?
What could you see yourself happy to do for the next 30 years?

There is no ultimate perfect decision so follow your gut, its usually always right. Plus no one wants to live with any regrets!

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