Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Spring Break Here I Am!

For spring break I am on a cruise in the Caribbean. The weather is glorious with sunshine all day, temperatures in the upper 80s, and not a threatening cloud in the sky. The water is blue but so clear that you can practically see the bottom of the sea. The water is the prefect temperature for an afternoon dip. The fish and plants are exotic colors beyond what the rainbow can create. I am sleeping in and waking refreshed each morning after partying all night in the clubs with all of my closest friends. The views are magnificent with volcanoes, waterfalls, and shorelines all dazzling. The people are fun as I have met some great guys that are into me and have made some really great impressions on other people. For once in my life I look slim and have a perfect Brazilian tan with no tan lines. The cruise line manager asked me if I would like a position as a pharmacist on the cruise line after graduation so I could enjoy the experiences like this everyday and then....

I wake up! In my bed in the Chicago suburbs realizing that one of the best dreams was coming to an end.

Spring break would be fantastic if I could go on some exotic trip like some other college students; however, I do not have a multi million dollar inheritance nor have I won the lottery yet (still trying). Being at home is just as good as I am getting the relaxation and rest that I need right now in the semester. The weather here yesterday was in the low 70s and that felt wonderful. To be honest I put on a tank top and tried to get a tan (as if I really were on vacation). In the end, no tan but some good time to myself! No matter if I am on vacation or not, I am grateful that I just get a week off and do NOT want to return to school in a few days. I wish breaks were eternal!

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