Saturday, March 21, 2009

What IRKS Me About AIG!

Everyone is pissed off about the whole AIG charade except for the executives getting their hefty bonuses (at least they are being taxed on the bonuses?). I am still sitting with my mouth wide open almost unable to believe the situation.

First off, I am NOT ok with the government using OUR MONEY to bailout a company for the sake of the companies stock prices. I think that a bailout is justified if it will be helping people keep their jobs. I consider that money like a dead fish, flushed down the toilet. It could have been used to help people keep jobs, help students pay off education, help elders pay off health care, etc.

That money is adding to the national debt that my generation will have to pay off. The bill is not bad when you don't have to pay it. We will end up working ourselves sick trying to pay for health care, debts, education, and we will not even get any of the social security we are paying into right now.

The story is nothing like Robin Hood, because the rich were stealing from the poor to get richer. I do not mind helping out those in need. Taxes are there to help EVERYONE, not just the top 2% that already own over 30% of the countries wealth. I can just hear them now, "I really needed that second private jet, first class ticket prices are just getting too high."

This situation makes it all clear as to why over half of my masters business classes are focused on business ethics. How greedy can one person get at the expense of another? It makes me disappointed that ethics have to be taught and re taught because I assumed they were just apart of humanistic nature.

We tried to help, the help was laughed at, spit on, spent and then thrown back in our face like one big joke. I feel like I have been slapped in the face with OUR MONEY.

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