Sunday, July 13, 2008

DM Public Transportation...It Exists?

Being from a suburb or Chicago and coming to Des Moines was a big change. I initially thought Des Moines was too small and there was nothing to do. I quickly learned that this pre-judgement was incorrect as Des Moines grew on me as I found out that it does in fact have a lot to offer.

However, my biggest and continuous frustration with Des Moines is its public transportation or lack thereof. I have not had a car on campus for the past three years while at Drake and have survived because of the small campus size, closeness of few essential stores, the generosity of friends with cars and mostly me pestering my uncle (who lives nearby) to drive me places if I needed to go. I have exhausted Des Moines public transportation, therefore I feel entitled to criticize it.

*The Des Moines airport is small with little traffic going through it so there are very few airlines to choose from when trying to fly to or from Des Moines. The lack of airline variety also allows each airline to jack up the prices since they have little competition. Unless you are planning on flying to Florida or Las Vegas (b/c Alligiant, an inexpensive airline flies to these two destination) from Des Moines forget getting any kind of inexpensive flight. The high prices cause people to drive to other cities (like Omaha) to fly from, which decreases the demand for flights from Des Moines, which keeps airlines away which keeps prices up, which....when will this horrible cycle be changed?
*There is no Amtrak train station in Des Moines. The closest Amtrak station is in Osceola, a town 45 minutes south of Des Moines. Whoever did the planning on that one, failed because business and people could really benefit from trains connecting Des Moines to other big cities.
*The city does have a Greyhound Bus station, but coach bus is the least desirable form of transportation in my mind. It takes the longest, is not comparably cheaper, and provides for some interesting stories/smells/people.
*The coach bus service that Drake offers twice a year to Chicago is a rip off, the scheduling sucks and it is a longer than usual ride.
*Des Moines has a public bus system within the city as of this year, Drake students can ride it free....YEAH! Wait...the bus schedules are limited and different almost every day, the buses are rarely consistent with the schedules, the bus routes are limited, most times you have to take the bus downtown to transfer to a new bus to get where you want to go and you may spend more time on the bus then at your actual destination.
*Taxis aren't bad, but who has enough money to take a taxi everywhere?

As a city that is growing and trying to attract more people, Des Moines really needs to work on it inter and intra city transportation. I guess I need to find the right people to complain to and until then my legs and my bike may be my best options.

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