Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Degrading the Pharmacy Profession!

Technician: I see this is a new medication for you, has the doctor talked to you about it?

Patient: I have never taken this medication before and the doctor just told me it was for pain.

Technician: Alright, the pharmacist will be right over to counsel you on your medication.

Patient: What? You mean to tell me I have to wait another 5 minutes while this person yaps at me about my meds. I have already waited 15 minutes to get the damn medication I am not going to sit here for any more time. The pharmacist should have been "counseling" me while I was waiting for the med. You all are not that busy, I don't get what takes you so long. Plus the bottle has all the directions written on it. I can read english.

Technician: The pharmacist will go over how to take the medication, potential problems or errors to avoid, questions, etc.

Patient: I do not want to wait here any longer I already know what I need to know. Plus the medication comes with those paper things with all the words about it, that's all the counseling people need. I can just 'Google' it if I something comes up. Plus, nothing bad could happen because this doctor wouldn't give it to me if there could be something wrong. Just give me my meds, I have been here too long, it should take like 5 minutes to get pills into a bottle but you guys drag it out and then expect me to sit and listen to what you have to say about MY medication. Yeah right! Let's go kids, these people are crazy.

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