Saturday, February 12, 2011

What the Sluggish Economy Means for Recent College Graduates

- More time at home with the "rents" (CLEAN YOUR ROOM!!)

- Less employers returning phone calls/e-mails about job inquiries (maybe they lost your number or never got the email...)

- The increasing probability of landing a job where you do not need a higher education, a job that requires a different major or a job no one else wants instead of using your $60,000+ college education (that at one time seemed like a magic "get a job" card)

- If you're single... the dating scene is really not as fun (but actually more awkward) when you're 24+ and still live with your parents

- If you're already dating someone... it's hard for the lack of money and unclear life path to NOT affect the relationship

- A lot of working for free hoping somebody will appreciate the work you do and decide to pay you (after a while of working for free, the idea of this leading to a 'payday' seems more and more like finding water in the Sahara desert)

- You're actually told that you are "overqualified" to perform a job or they won't hire you because they thought you would get bored too easily

- Remaining overly cautious as you do not have the healthy coverage or money to visit the ER, doctor or dentist

- Searching for a job now is your job


Anonymous said...

so true, if i could have changed things, i would have tried as much as i could to spend less on college ex-go instate

Anonymous said...

Hey - free rent is a pretty sweet deal :). And, negotiating a new, more adult-adult, friend-friend relationship with the parents is all part of the transition. mkl