Wednesday, February 2, 2011


It was officially a snow day for everyone in my house and for almost the entire city of Chicago!

It took my sister and me 2 hours and 40 minutes to drive home after work yesterday due to the winds, blowing snow and traffic (a drive that is usually about 45 minutes).

One main road in Chicago was shut down after hundreds of cars got stranded on the road. Firefighters used snowmobiles to get the people off that road (some had been sitting in their cars for over 8 hours).

Around my house we got about 20 inches of snow but some snow drifts got as high as 5 feet tall. I have never seen this much snow all at once

Of course the snowblower was working last night but today when we tried it, it was broken. So it took four adults three hours to clear our entire driveway and another hour to clear the sidewalk.

The city called to tell people to stay home, they closed most buildings, closed most transportation (including both major airports), and closed most hospitals.

The sun came out always the sunshine after the storm. But over the next few days Chicago is to get some of the coldest weather in over 20 years. Fiji isle here I come!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beautiful pictures to look at while enjoying a tall drink in Hawaii