Thursday, February 24, 2011

Public Opinion of Pharmacists

"A study found the social skills of pharmacists to be more important to patients than was any technical expertise.

Positive interactions occurred when pharmacists provided information, recommended better treatment alternatives, and demonstrated product uses. Negative incidents tended to be those where patients had long waits for help."

"Some consumers are not sure what pharmacists actually do."

This is suprising but not surprising at the same time. Most people think pharmacists are just pill pushers and counters at your corner chain drug store.

*Pharmacists are medication experts. They are under utilized for their medication knowledge.

*Pharmacists also check medication dosing. Everyone needs a second check, especially when it comes to dosing medications.

*Pharmacists are patient advocates with regards to the physician, to the insurance company and for health care changes. Pharmacists are NOT employed by the insurance companies so to them it does not matter when or how much medication you can have, those limits are set by the insurance company.

*Average interaction of a patient with their pharmacists: 90 seconds. Would you ever spend just 90 seconds with your doctor? You are paying for their professional help, and most times you can ask questions for take advantage of it!

*Pharmacists check for interactions. This is most efficient if your keep all your drug records or if you visit one pharmacy for all your meds.

*Pharmacists give immunizations

*Pharmacists compound medications. Certain medicines that are not made by companies can be made by pharmacists.

"For the ninth consecutive year, America's pharmacists top Gallup's list of 26 occupations rated for their "honesty and ethical standards." Pharmacists are cited by 69% of Americans -- an all time high for any profession measured by Gallup -- for having "high" or "very high" standards."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Really great advice. We rely on our local pharamcist for info. on medication interactions/dosing help. We look forward to the day we can call our not so local personal pharmacist for info. :)