Saturday, February 13, 2010

Living Next Door to College Students

I went to bed late last night mostly because I was busy reading the newspaper after watching the opening ceremonies of the Olympics with some friends. Around 3:30am I was awaken by thuds, yelling, and what sounded like rocks falling down the stairs outside my front door. As th thuds continued, I began to fear that someone was trying to break into the building or the firefighters were stomping in to evacuate everyone. Until I heard the arguing...

"I hurt myself. Just let me take a nap here"

"Suzy, you cannot take a nap on the stairs. Just get up slowly and get into the apartment so you can lay down. Here let me help you"

"Bob I do not need any help. I am just going to take a nap and then I will move on. My head hurts and my stomach is tossing around. I can really feel it"

"Suzy, stop yelling! We need to get into the apartment before you wake up everyone in the building. Let me just help you. Here one foot at a time. Slowly"

"Bob, I can do it myself. " (BIG THUD) "!?>#, now my knee hurts too! Make it stop Bob."

"Suzy, if we get to the apartment. You can sleep on a nice bed, your headache will go away and no more falling."

"Alright, well then help me up *@&. Since you know everything." (BARF!!) "Bob, I just made a mess. Whose going to clean it up? I will just use my dress. See!"

"Suzy, just get up! I will clean it up. Alright, Suzy, one foot, two foot, three foot. Almost there."

I laughed to myself throughout the conversation. It was more funny than bothersome. I was not able to get back to sleep however until 5am which warranted a nap the next afternoon.

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