Monday, February 1, 2010

Free Money?

People ask me how I am able to pay for my college education. I really do not know myself! I was lucky enough to apply for and receive numerous scholarships throughout the years which have helped supplement the costs. I was recently asked by a cousin to share my scholarship sources and this is what I said:

1. Look into scholarships that are available through your school or town. Some schools have PTAs while towns may have academic committees, both of which may offer money.

2. Look for scholarships that are offered through any activities you are involved in (soccer, babysitting, girls scouts, etc.). Many of these organizations have scholarship funds specifically for people involved. Also athletic, academic or musical scholarships are available at most colleges.

3. Check out your local clubs and organizations such as Elks clubs, Lions club, Women's Society, etc., which offer yearly scholarships for students.

4. Look at state or national organizations (Nurses Association of America, Farmers of America, National Engineers Society, etc.) which provide scholarships for students that major in their business focus.

5. Check out websites that try to match up your interests with scholarships from all over the world that fit you. Some suggestions:

6. See if your parents are apart of any groups/organizations that might provide scholarships. Life insurance companies, boating clubs, etc. often times award scholarships to members.

7. Look at company websites (coca-cola, walmart, target, tylenol, visa, etc) that provide scholarships for students in a variety of majors, geographical areas or financial situations.

8. Check out your place of employment. Many employers or business may provide some scholarships if you have worked there and done a good job.

9. Think about yourself, your skills, your talents and any other personal aspects. You may be surprised to find that a seemingly insignificant talent or trait could get you money ('tall people scholarship', duct-tape scholarship, scholarly paper scholarships, etc.)

It's FREE so Go After IT!
GOOD LUCK Money Hunting!

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