Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Falling On My Butt Hurts My Nose!

Des Moines weather has been crazy all winter with snow falling almost every other day and ice covering everything in sight. So I have been trying to be extremely cautious while walking anywhere. I have been tempted multiple times to buy tracks or chains for my shoes.

Last week, I was walking home from class later in the evening. I was walking down the sidewalk along my block and was trying to be careful about my footing as I had lost my footing a few times already that day. As I walked, slowly, all of a sudden....WHOOSH, THUMP!

My legs flew out from under me and I fell ony my butt and back. I got the wind knocked out of me. It took me a few minutes to gain orientation and understanding of what had just happened. I looked around, no one in sight. I was now wet, cold, and achy. My neck butt, neck, hands, and head where all pounding and sore.

The next few days I was sore every time I bent over or reached for anything. Interestingly, my nose was somewhat sore each time that I blew it for the next few days. I did not think anything of it until one morning I woke up and I had little red spots on the top of my nose (indicating burst blood vessels).

This whole situation just makes me sad because it shows how old I am getting. I no longer can fall or bump myself and then bounce back like Gumby!

For the next few days, my nose was achy and hurt from the inside. It was somewhat swollen and bruised looking. I went to the health center to just ask about what could have happened to my nose and the nurse practitioner said I had bruised my nose by impact.

Crazy!...My nose had was bruised because I fell so hard on my butt! I guess my head and butt are two in the same!

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