Thursday, August 20, 2009

I Know...I am a Dork!

Last week while I was at home for my week off from work, I was not looking forward to the start of school this semester. After 8 semesters of college and a summer that went by in about 2 blinks, I was dreading the beginning of classes.

This week my mood has changed. With attending a college retreat, finding out about my experience sites and getting more information about my classes I have started to become more optimistic and excited for next week! Only dorks get excited about the start of another school year, especially the start of the FIFTH year, so I guess that I am a SUPER dork. I am not excited about the coursework but more excited to be back into the college life groove with all the students around campus and the aura of school life in the air.

GOOD LUCK to every student starting another school year!!


Anonymous said...

So you have 4 down and 5 to go before someone will be on your back.

Anonymous said...

don't they call them "Super Seniors" :)