Some lists I thought of from experience that may help out college students particullarly freshman starting school in the next few weeks.
Top Ten Things College Students Forget to Bring:
Alarm Clock - One that really wakes you up
Printer and printer cables - You can only mooch off your friend's printer for so long
Hangers - Since your bedroom is also your living room, the floor is no longer acceptable storage
Quarters - Yes, you have to clean your own clothes
Extra Underwear - For when you realize you are out of quaters
Umbrella - Although class is inside, you have to walk outside to get there
Power strip/extension cord - Inevitably there will only be one outlet in the room and it will be on the opposite side of all of your electronics
Social Security Card and Official Documents - So you can get that campus job at the library
A Picture of the Family - You say you won't miss them but you will once your realize how little your job at the library pays and how expensive your books are
Headphones/earplugs - Not to tune your parents out anymore, instead you have your roomates abnoxious friends
Top Ten Things College Students Should Not Bring:
Half of what you packed - Do not pack everything you own, you will be sharing a 10 x 10 room
Live Animals - They are not easy to hide in a 10 x 10 room and your unwashed clothes will not cover up their disgusting odors
Your $20,000 Stereo - Anything of value will get trashed
Your Grandmother's Irreplacable Diamond Ring - If you like it, the girl next door will love it
Frivolous Kitchen Stuff - You will most likely blow a fuse trying to use a blender in your room
A Car - You will have to park it about two miles from your dorm and driving next door to class is not as fun as walking with your friends
Old Yearbooks or Diaries - College is a place to make new friends and become yourself, not dwell on the past
Big Furniture - Remember it is only a 10 x 10 room for two
Your mom's homemade fish dish - Your floor will thank you for the odorless air they can breathe
The 500 Count Ramen Noodle - It may be cheap but in no way is it apart of the food pyramid