Monday, May 11, 2009

Too Bad Drugs Only Go So Far

Of course I had to get a cold the weekend before finals. Murphy's law...when you are the busiest or have the most to worry about you will inevitably get more to worry about or be put in a situation that makes life just a little bit harder at the time. It is not easy trying to focus on at this crucial time in the semester when my head is full of snot and I am burning up like a rotisserie chicken. I should not be complaining since many other people are dealing with much more difficult hardships in their life.

I have been trying numerous remedies and medicines to scare this cold away including nasal washes, loading up on vitamin C, cold compresses, honey infused drinks, lots of fluids (which makes it worse because then I have to go to the bathroom every 15min), Tylenol, ibuprofen, psuedoephedrine, sleep (which I am just not getting), and many more. I am feeling better as one symptom disappears and is replaced with another. However, I wish there was one magic remedy to make me feel 100% better in a matter of hours. As a studying pharmacist I should know better. Colds are just there and not much will help remedy them. They are self-limiting so time will help me feel better soon.

In the mean time I am also hoping to find that one magic remedy that will make me extra smart, have a great memory, and do well on my examines....I will let you know when I find that remedy!

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