Saturday, May 23, 2009

How I Was Raised

I decided to visit home for the short time I had between visiting my new niece and going back to Des Moines to start my summer internship. While at home I realized how thankful I am for my parents and how I was brought up!

The way a kid is brought up determines the values, respect, attitudes, and characteristics that they possess throughout life. Too bad there is no owner's manual or no one perfect way on how to bring up kids. I attribute many of my strengths and understandings to the lessons I learned as my parents raised me. Some lifelong lessons, some funny skills. No matter what, I am happy I have had experience with a lot including (but not limited to)...

Speaking three languages
Hand-washing dishes till the age of 13 (only after a dishwasher was given to the family as a gift)
Checking my own oil, wiper fluid and tire pressure
Mowing the lawn (as my dad competed with the neighbor for the best lawn)
Shoveling the driveway/pavement each winter until 17 (we finally got a snowblower as a gift)
Cleaning gutters
Chopping down 30 foot trees
French Braiding Hair
Putting up, drilling, sanding, and painting drywall
Fending for myself
Washing and ironing my own clothes
Sewing and patching my own clothes
Cooking and baking (especially Polish food)
Saving and being financially responsible
Learning that "there is no such thing as a free lunch"
Appreciating all that I have and have been blessed with
Strong faith base
Offering assistance and all that I can to those in need
Driving (only used cars)
Blueberry picking for over 18 years
Remembering that family will always be there for me
Learning how to smoke sausage
Tiling and grouting
Riding the bus, "L", train, plane and other transportation alone without intimidation or fear
Trying new foods, experiences, etc. at least once before dismissing them
Peeing behind bushes near the highway
Taking pleasure in the small treasures in life
Pushing cars
Sending letters and thank you notes
Sharing a bedroom
Playing piano, clarinet, the recorder and the accordion
Buying and replacing windows that I broke
Washing out sewer drains
Enjoying cross country family road trips

I asked so many questions as a child I am surprised my parents did not duck tape my mouth. The problem is... I still ask a lot of questions...what can I do, I am just curious?

My parents continue to influence my life all the time. For example, my mom explained how to start my own vegetable garden for a porch and as my parents were remodeling their bathroom over the week I learned what and "L" wrench was as well as how to reinstall new fictures. Thanks Mom and Dad!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm thankful for the life lessons too....I hope I do half as good a job with my new daughter as mom and dad did with four!!