Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Finals Finally Done

I am done with the semester!

I am glad to be done because this semester was brutal including my entire finals week. Finals week was long as I had a final Monday and Tuesday afternoon, two finals on Thursday starting at 7:30 am and one final on Friday starting at 7:30am.

My classes this semester, Pharmacokinetics, Therapeutics, Pharmaceutical Drug Actions, Non-Prescription Medications, Pharmacy Skills and Applications, and Corporate Governance, were all challenging in a different way. I appreciate that I learned a tremendous amount this semester through all the stress and hard work of the classes. I spent a lot of time studying, preparing and working on each class for exams, papers, group projects, presentations, practicals, quizzes, and group assignments. This semester also included over 45 hours of out of mandatory class practical work at clinics, vaccine days, and teaching english to refugees. I was kept busy working part time as a pharmacy intern at Walgreens, working as a TA for a pharmacy class, and blogging here! Along with all my activities, clubs, church work and meetings I had a jam packed schedule everyday and each weekend.

I am EXTREMELY HAPPY to be done with the semester and finally get some time back for myself.

HOWEVER, I am also sad that another year is done. I only have 2 more years until I am done, graduated and moving into a professional career. I know I am not completely ready to be done with school and practicing as a pharmacist. I am not ready to be done with college life yet. School goes by so fast, faster than I every thought or wanted. The older I get the faster the time goes by. I wish I could slow life down and spend a little more time enjoying it.

So as much as I am thrilled that the semester is done, I am upset that life is going by in a flash. My dream is to be able to control time so that I can slow down life as I want to. I will be taking advantage of this summer by slowing life down and enjoying every moment!

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