Sunday, May 3, 2009

Looking for Golf Clubs!

I have never golfed or even held a golf club in my hand until this past semester. A Drake Alum left a large grant for Drake to cosponsor a "Golf for Business and Life" program. It allowed students to take golf lessons and hear corporate executives/planners discuss golf and business in everyday life. I took part in this class because I had never golfed and figured now would be a better time than never. I got 10 lessons of golf and they were all great fun!

I am by no means a pro. I would not even consider myself an amateur at this point. The first day of lessons was really embarrassing as I missed hitting the ball a few dozen times, hit the ball off in all directions, and barely got the ball to role anywhere. I was frustrated but kept going to the lessons because the instructor was so encouraging and I enjoyed the friends I got to golf with. As the lessons progressed my missed shots became fewer and my good shots became greater. The few good shots I hit each lesson kept me going back for more. I learned golf has nothing to do with strength, as most other sports do and as I am used to. It is all about coordination and mentality.

Now my lessons are done and I miss them already. I would love to continue playing some golf throughout the summer and into the future just to stay up on my game and relieve some stress. A round of golf is not too expensive at the cheaper golf courses, about the same amount as a movie nowadays. The only problem is I need some clubs to play with. I talked to my instructor and we decided some mens clubs would probably suit me best. I have been seeking some on Craigslist and garage sales. Used would be the best for me now since I am not super serious or really good.

I am not picky, so if you know anyone that has got some used clubs that they want to get rid of or sell at a cheap price....let me know!

There have got to be some lonely clubs out there.....I will find them and continue to better myself (embarrass myself) on the golf course!

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