I miss the days of trick or treating until it was pitch black and still trying to catch a few houses on the way home. I used to get so much candy that I would look forward to eating it for the next 3 weeks and eating all that candy was allowed since you had gone out and collected it yourself. I remember sorting through the pillowcases of candy and trading the unwanted candy with siblings for things I thought were much better. It took a few weeks to think of the perfect costume that other people wouldn't have and then a few more weeks to scrounge up the pieces to make the costume....store bought was not an option. Some of my favorite past costumes include:
cat, princess (a few different ones), bride, belly dancer, bum, karate kid, witch, clown, spice girl, baby, angel, mad scientist, tarzan's wife, rabbit, farmer...
I do not miss the years when it was so cold you had to put on a parka over your costume which ruined your beautiful 'princess gown' or 'turtle man suit'. Or the nights when it was raining so hard that you HAD to stop collecting candy because people started to refuse to open their doors.
I now enjoy the opportunity to dress up as whatever I want without offending too many people and having another reason to go out to party. As well as passing out candy to all the adorable kids that come proudly dressed up and ready to collect.
Halloween is such a great nonsense holiday that lets kids be creative while getting their tummy aches from all the great sweets! It allows adults to be creative while giving them another reason to have fun and celebrate. So ENJOY!
Friday, October 31, 2008
Sunday, October 26, 2008
What I Want For My Birthday
Remember when you were a kid and birthdays were the most cherished day of the year because it meant you got lots of presents, the attention was totally on you, and you could do whatever you wanted and no one could say otherwise. When people asked what you wanted for your birthday you already had a list in your mind that you had been working on for months which included the coolest pogs, the biggest barbie beach house, the newest nintendo game, the prettiest makeup, the fastest bike or the coolest clothes.

I miss those days since now each birthday just means I am getting old, I have more responsibility and I have to 'grow up'. My birthday is approaching once again and not only is it harder for me to accept that I am growing older but it is harder for me to think of gifts that I want. First of all I am too old for gifts people have more important things to spend their money on. Second of all there are less and less material gifts that I want. As each year passes I realize that my list of birthday gifts that I really want are things that cannot be bought or even simply given to someone else. So to everyone that keeps asking me what I want for my birthday here is my "true" birthday wish list (in no particular order):
1. Greater self-esteem
2. Better self-image/self-perception
3. Ability to truly enjoy myself
4. True Beauty
5. Increased knowledge
6. A Secure future
7. Loving companionship
8. Better understanding of different worldly views
9. Deeper meaning to my life
10. Ability to protect others, especially friends and family, from harm or hurtful feelings
11. Accepting the fact that I cannot control everything
12. True happiness with myself
13. Increased flexibility when encountering change
14. Capability of making everyone's life a little better
15. Being remembered as a good person by leaving the world a better place than I found it.
What do you want for your birthday?
Monday, October 20, 2008
Real Friends
In elementary school and high school it is easier to make friends since you see the same people day in and day out and progress from one school to another together. Lucky for me, I formed some of the GREATEST friendships and relationships growing up, especially in high school. High school was one of the best times in my life thanks mostly to me friends.
After high school graduation I began to learn more about what ‘true’ friend means. Some friendships dissipate as it becomes too hard to try to stay in contact with one another. It takes a lot of time to make that call and listen to your friend recap their life for an hour or so or drive down to visit them at their school. One friend may stop putting forth effort leaving another friend to work even harder to stay in touch. In contrast many friendships, including most of mine, remain strong even after friends move on with life. These friends remember each other and are there for each other in good and bad times, even if it is not always physically. These ‘true’ friends are the ones that are worth your time and energy since they make time for you too. You think about these true friends all the time and hope they are doing well because you know they are thinking about you.
These true friendships became the model I used for friends in college and throughout life. In college it became harder to make friends since most people have not met before and everyone is from a different place. It is like in kindergarten trying to make all new friends. It is more difficult also because students do not see each other everyday, they are busier with classes, work, and personal agendas, and it takes more effort to plan or spend time together with friends. Just remember that the new ‘true’ friends are worth the extra time and effort because to them you are worth the extra time and effort. These friendships just like those of the past are the ones that will stay with you forever.
“True” Friend:
· Remembers to call you once in a while and not just to call you back.
· Knows more about you than most other people because you confide in them so much.
· Does not always see eye to eye with you but will hear you out.
· Is willing to sit on the phone with you for an hour while you cry even if they have a hot date with them at the time.
· Accepts you for you and loves you more for it.
· Accepts ANY changes you go through as you progress through life.
· Supports you and your decisions simply because you are friends, EVEN IF they do not agree with you.
· Makes you feel special with random notes, calls, emails, surprises, secrets, etc.
· Wants to hear about your gripes and accomplishes because it makes them feel more apart of your life.
· Is friends with you for more than your car, your status, your social network or even your mom’s food.
· Makes time for you even if they don’t have time.
After high school graduation I began to learn more about what ‘true’ friend means. Some friendships dissipate as it becomes too hard to try to stay in contact with one another. It takes a lot of time to make that call and listen to your friend recap their life for an hour or so or drive down to visit them at their school. One friend may stop putting forth effort leaving another friend to work even harder to stay in touch. In contrast many friendships, including most of mine, remain strong even after friends move on with life. These friends remember each other and are there for each other in good and bad times, even if it is not always physically. These ‘true’ friends are the ones that are worth your time and energy since they make time for you too. You think about these true friends all the time and hope they are doing well because you know they are thinking about you.
These true friendships became the model I used for friends in college and throughout life. In college it became harder to make friends since most people have not met before and everyone is from a different place. It is like in kindergarten trying to make all new friends. It is more difficult also because students do not see each other everyday, they are busier with classes, work, and personal agendas, and it takes more effort to plan or spend time together with friends. Just remember that the new ‘true’ friends are worth the extra time and effort because to them you are worth the extra time and effort. These friendships just like those of the past are the ones that will stay with you forever.
“True” Friend:
· Remembers to call you once in a while and not just to call you back.
· Knows more about you than most other people because you confide in them so much.
· Does not always see eye to eye with you but will hear you out.
· Is willing to sit on the phone with you for an hour while you cry even if they have a hot date with them at the time.
· Accepts you for you and loves you more for it.
· Accepts ANY changes you go through as you progress through life.
· Supports you and your decisions simply because you are friends, EVEN IF they do not agree with you.
· Makes you feel special with random notes, calls, emails, surprises, secrets, etc.
· Wants to hear about your gripes and accomplishes because it makes them feel more apart of your life.
· Is friends with you for more than your car, your status, your social network or even your mom’s food.
· Makes time for you even if they don’t have time.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Enjoying a Needed Break!
Drake provides one major plus for students every year, a fall break. Fall break consists of a Monday and Tuesday off during October that provides for a four day weekend. No, this does not give Drake students more days off then other schools because these two days are ‘borrowed’ from Thanksgiving break. Most universities have a full week off for Thanksgiving break whereas Drake students just get three days off, the other two days go to the built in fall break in October; therefore, the amount of days off between schools evens out.
I think that most schools should implement a fall break because it provides the perfect amount of time for a mental break at a necessary time in the semester. By this time in the semester students have had midterms, have been working hard through the first few months and are in need of a longer weekend to mentally refresh themselves. Freshman have gotten used to college life and studies but need time to connect with family and friends back at home. Also most students, especially freshman, have not been home yet during the semester and are usually somewhat homesick if not yearning for a good home cooked meal. It is perfect timing, not too soon after the start of classes and not too late into the semester. Also the extra two days is just a long enough break to be home. You can get good food, wash your laundry, get some good attention and then leave before the chores start being requested, awkward, “so where is your life going” questions are asked, or your relaxation becomes termed ‘lazy’.
A week off for Thanksgiving is great but it really is not any more beneficial then just three days (Wed-Fri). Since you have a full week, your visit home becomes dull by the end for both the student and parents. The special attention and favorite meals disappear halfway into the week as the name lazy is reintroduced since your relaxation is longer cute but bothersome and you are expected to do more around the house.
I am enjoying fall break to the max by relaxing at home after a stressful week of midterms. Even though I am not vegging out in front of the television I appreciate every moment, since life doesn’t offer “fall break” once you get into the working world. Thank goodness I am not yet full time working and thank you Drake University.
I think that most schools should implement a fall break because it provides the perfect amount of time for a mental break at a necessary time in the semester. By this time in the semester students have had midterms, have been working hard through the first few months and are in need of a longer weekend to mentally refresh themselves. Freshman have gotten used to college life and studies but need time to connect with family and friends back at home. Also most students, especially freshman, have not been home yet during the semester and are usually somewhat homesick if not yearning for a good home cooked meal. It is perfect timing, not too soon after the start of classes and not too late into the semester. Also the extra two days is just a long enough break to be home. You can get good food, wash your laundry, get some good attention and then leave before the chores start being requested, awkward, “so where is your life going” questions are asked, or your relaxation becomes termed ‘lazy’.
A week off for Thanksgiving is great but it really is not any more beneficial then just three days (Wed-Fri). Since you have a full week, your visit home becomes dull by the end for both the student and parents. The special attention and favorite meals disappear halfway into the week as the name lazy is reintroduced since your relaxation is longer cute but bothersome and you are expected to do more around the house.
I am enjoying fall break to the max by relaxing at home after a stressful week of midterms. Even though I am not vegging out in front of the television I appreciate every moment, since life doesn’t offer “fall break” once you get into the working world. Thank goodness I am not yet full time working and thank you Drake University.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Need More Stress?
Yes I know I have not blogged in a week, shame on me. I am just VERY busy considering I have midterms this week with one exam down and four more coming...Yes four plus a quiz.....all of which I am not ready for but have no time to study for. I administered vaccinations for five hours today, had to attend a church meeting, have a friend visiting me all day tomorrow, have a fly/ladybug problem in my apartment, have papers to grade for my TA position, etc...but enough of my ranting. Here are some tips for people who need more stress in life:
"Advice for folks who do not already have enough stress in your life - Here are a few more clinically proven methods to stay stressed or to increase your stress level.
(copied from pcusa.org)
"Advice for folks who do not already have enough stress in your life - Here are a few more clinically proven methods to stay stressed or to increase your stress level.
Don't exercise.
Exercise wastes a lot of time that could be spent worrying.
Exercise wastes a lot of time that could be spent worrying.
Eat, drink and smoke anything you want.
If cigarette smoke cannot cleanse your system, a balanced diet is not likely to do it either.
If cigarette smoke cannot cleanse your system, a balanced diet is not likely to do it either.
Gain weight.
Work hard at staying at least 25 pounds over your recommended weight.
Work hard at staying at least 25 pounds over your recommended weight.
Take plenty of stimulants.
The old standards of caffeine, nicotine, sugar, and cola will continue to do the job just fine.
The old standards of caffeine, nicotine, sugar, and cola will continue to do the job just fine.
Avoid soft, sensitive "woo-woo" practices.
Ignore the evidence suggesting that prayer, meditation, yoga, deep breathing, and/or mental imaging help to reduce stress. The work ethic is good for everyone, always!
Ignore the evidence suggesting that prayer, meditation, yoga, deep breathing, and/or mental imaging help to reduce stress. The work ethic is good for everyone, always!
Get rid of your social support system
Let the few friends who are willing to tolerate you know that you concern yourself with friendships only if you have time, and you never have time. If a few people persist in trying to actively care about you, avoid them.
Let the few friends who are willing to tolerate you know that you concern yourself with friendships only if you have time, and you never have time. If a few people persist in trying to actively care about you, avoid them.
Exams ~ Classes ~ Sports ~ Work ~ Friends ~ Dating ~ Family ~ Goals ~ Expectations ~ Peer Pressure ~ Responsibilities 5 Stress & The College Student © ~ National Health Ministries ~ PC(USA) ~ Created 7.2004 / Rev. 2. 2006Exams ~ Classes ~ Sports ~ Work ~ Friends ~ Dating ~ Family ~ Goals ~ Expectations ~ Peer Pressure ~ Responsibilities Exams ~ Classes ~ Sports ~ Work ~ Friends ~ Dating ~ Family ~ Goals ~ Expectations ~ Peer Pressure ~ Responsibilities 6
Personalize all criticism.
Anyone who criticizes any aspect of your work, family, dog, room, house, or car is mounting a personal attack. Do not take time to listen,be offended, and then return the attack!
Anyone who criticizes any aspect of your work, family, dog, room, house, or car is mounting a personal attack. Do not take time to listen,be offended, and then return the attack!
Throw out your sense of humor.
Staying stressed is no laughing matter, and it should not be treated as one.
Staying stressed is no laughing matter, and it should not be treated as one.
Males and females alike - be macho – or al least stoic!
Never, never ever ask for help, and if you want it done right, do it yourself!
Become a workaholic.
Put work before everything else, and be sure to take work home evenings and weekends. Keep reminding yourself that vacations and time off are for sissies.
Put work before everything else, and be sure to take work home evenings and weekends. Keep reminding yourself that vacations and time off are for sissies.
Discard good time management skills and work/study boundaries.
Schedule in more activities every day than you can possibly get done and then worry about it all whenever you get a chance.
Schedule in more activities every day than you can possibly get done and then worry about it all whenever you get a chance.
Putting things off to the last second always produces a marvelous amount of stress.
Putting things off to the last second always produces a marvelous amount of stress.
Worry about things you cannot control
Worry about the stock market, earthquakes, the approaching ice age, you know, all the big issues.
Worry about the stock market, earthquakes, the approaching ice age, you know, all the big issues.
Become not only a perfectionist but set impossibly high standards...
And either beat yourself up, or feel guilty, depressed, discouraged, and/or inadequate when you do not meet them."
And either beat yourself up, or feel guilty, depressed, discouraged, and/or inadequate when you do not meet them."
(copied from pcusa.org)
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Never Thought I Would Poke Someone!
As a kid, I dreaded the doctor for one main reason. Not because I was scared the doctor would tell me I had some life threatening disease or because I would have to take medicine for the rest of life. Just like most other kids I was more worried and even cried about those dreaded things called “Shots”. The word alone made me run the other way as I promised my mom I would eat all my vegetables and more if I just did not have to get those horrible “shots”. Parents always try to ease the children’s’ minds by telling them that shots are just little pinches that do not hurt or by trying a multitude of tactics including distractions or the child’s favorite, bribes. Some people never get over their fear of shots not because they hurt but because the person has some psychological fear or needles.
Well lucky for me as I have grown older I have learned to deal with shots or blood draws. In fact for the first time in my life I did something this past Thursday that I never thought I would be doing in my life. I was on the other side of those things called “shots”. Yes, I along with 2 other certified pharmacy interns and a pharmacist immunized over 75 patients against the flu and pneumonia in about a 6 hour time span. CRAZY?? I know.
Yes pharmacists and pharmacy interns can and do give shots as long as they are certified. Certification includes taking and passing a separate immunization course, passing CPR training and completing training on blood-borne pathogens education. Interns can only administer immunizations in the presence of a licensed pharmacist or doctor that can also give shots. People were shocked when we told them we were pharmacy students because they thought only medical doctors and students gave shots.
I was EXTREMELY nervous at first, worrying that people might find the shots painful but I got more comfortable as I realized no one was crying in pain and that most people did not even notice me poking them. I tried to keep the patients very comfortable while keep their minds off the shot and in doing so I think I became more comfortable myself. I learned a lot, including how tough elder’s skin is, how bony some people are and when going to get shots…..wear appropriate clothing.
Being certified has opened a whole new area of pharmacy that I can now practice in which is nice because it varies up the routine. Now I cannot go give anyone any kind of shot yet, but that is ok because I am not quite ready to do so, however I am ready for the next few months as flu season approaches and I have one or two immunization clinics each week, where I will be giving, “shots”. Hope to poke you soon!
Well lucky for me as I have grown older I have learned to deal with shots or blood draws. In fact for the first time in my life I did something this past Thursday that I never thought I would be doing in my life. I was on the other side of those things called “shots”. Yes, I along with 2 other certified pharmacy interns and a pharmacist immunized over 75 patients against the flu and pneumonia in about a 6 hour time span. CRAZY?? I know.
Yes pharmacists and pharmacy interns can and do give shots as long as they are certified. Certification includes taking and passing a separate immunization course, passing CPR training and completing training on blood-borne pathogens education. Interns can only administer immunizations in the presence of a licensed pharmacist or doctor that can also give shots. People were shocked when we told them we were pharmacy students because they thought only medical doctors and students gave shots.
I was EXTREMELY nervous at first, worrying that people might find the shots painful but I got more comfortable as I realized no one was crying in pain and that most people did not even notice me poking them. I tried to keep the patients very comfortable while keep their minds off the shot and in doing so I think I became more comfortable myself. I learned a lot, including how tough elder’s skin is, how bony some people are and when going to get shots…..wear appropriate clothing.
Being certified has opened a whole new area of pharmacy that I can now practice in which is nice because it varies up the routine. Now I cannot go give anyone any kind of shot yet, but that is ok because I am not quite ready to do so, however I am ready for the next few months as flu season approaches and I have one or two immunization clinics each week, where I will be giving, “shots”. Hope to poke you soon!

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