Sunday, June 29, 2008

What happened to my summer??

Spent 4 hours Friday night working on a presentation for a seminar classs, spent Saturday presenting to the class and now spending all Sunday studying for my accounting final tomorrow...where are the summers I used to know????

I WAS excited that I would be able to get some of my classes done for my graduate business degree over the summer, rather than adding them on to my full semesters. I figured I would have less work to do since they were summer courses and it would not be so bad since I did not have another 5 courses to study for as well. Life would be a breeze, get some credits done, have time to enjoy the summer......

NOT the case at all! Summer classes are even more intense classes since they are only 6 weeks long, it is like Billy Banks turning it up to 'double time'. Same amount of stuff packed into a small amount of time = more work per week = less free time. It is already July and my first class and first seminar are almost over. I have no idea where the time went and now it is crunch time with final presentations and a final test.

So now I can breathe after all this....right? Not so much my next class starts Thursday night and of course does not end until the week before the fall semester begins.

It is realizations likes these that remind me that I am becoming an adult...GASP! I know I should not be surprised, gone are the days of summer camp, summer sports clinics, weeks spent at the pool, time trying to make your own slip and slide in your backyard, etc. Growing up is great too, now I enjoy concerts, bars, trips, etc.

But sitting here studying for my accounting final makes me wish I had more free time like when I was 5 years old jumping through the sprinkler with the neighborhood kids and enjoying enough kool-aid to fill a tub. Memories.....

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