Thursday, June 12, 2008

Super Sweet Deal Keeping me Busy.

I have not blogged for a couple of days because I have been SUPER BUSY, as the life of a PharmD/MBA student.

Drake offers this sweet deal where you can get your PharmD and MBA degrees in 6 years, most other schools do not have this kind of opportunity. The over-achiever that I most pharmacy students are, I decided that this was something I was interested in. Signing up for the joint program was easy but actually going through with it.....that's another feat. As a pharmacy student, my schedule is set for me starting my P1 year. Nice that I do not have to make decisions about classes but sucks because I have little room to take other classes that may interest me. Well as a pharmacy student my schedule is already full to the max almost every semester so any of the graduate business course for the joint program have to be fit in on top of my full load of classes or during the summer.

Hence I am taking summer business courses this summer. Now don't get me wrong, the classes are not horrible but when I have a full time internship in a pharmacy, with evening clas and a weekend seminar, I have not time to even blog....what a SHAME. I have to work 40 hours a week for my internship (my hesitance towards it to be discussed in a future blog), then I have evening class two nights a week, 3 hours each night (with a test this past Monday night). This past weekend I also elected to take one of three required weekend seminars that was from 5-9 Friday night and from 8-5 Saturday. Not busy enough?? I was going to try to fit in some of my rotation hours that I have to complete as a pharmacy student each year, but I just don't have any more time in the day. I enjoy keeping busy but sometimes I keep myself too busy.

By the way, pharmacy classes and graduate business classes do not compare. Many people assume pharmacy classes are automatically harder than business courses, which may be true for undergrad classes. But graduate business courses and pharmacy courses are on the same playing field because both are challenging in their own way. The pharmacy classes challenge your ability to retain knowledge whereas the grad business classes challenge your ability to apply the knowledge. I like challenges and when the challenge is constantly changing, the game of life becomes even better.

I will try to be more persistent about my blogs, as I try to hang on tight to my speeding life.

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