Sunday, June 1, 2008

"Like a Virgin!"

This is my first blog ever and I am having as good of a time as those women in the old Herbal Essences commercials! OOOO YEEESSSSSSS!

I used to think blogging was a waste of time because who really wants to read about mine or anyone else's life, problems, feelings, successes, etc. Now that I am starting my own blog, I realized that a lot of people blog not for other people but for themselves as a way of expression. I plan on doing just that. I plan on expressing myself by just being me and writing about my everyday life. If people choose to read my blogs GREAT. I might just make those things everyone talks about....Friends? I am not blogging to be a spokeswoman for anything in particular nor can I promise Vega style entertainment in my blogs since I suck at poetry, do not have a Paris Hilton life and only hear the sound of crickets after most of my jokes. Respond to any of the blogs with your thoughts or questions since I LOVE to meet new people, get fresh perspectives, and answer questions.

Well my first blog felt pretty liberating but more is yet to come.
Until next time, "You stay classy, bloggers"

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