Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Stop #7 On My Rotation Tour

My first stop of the new year is back in good ole Des Moines. I am completing my acute care rotation at the Des Moines County Hospital, Broadlawns Hospital.

An acute care rotation is a portion of the hospital where treatment of a disease is for only a short period of time in which a patient is treated for a brief but severe episode of illness. Serious illnesses such as tuberculosis, pneumonia, diabetic ketoacidosis, meningitis, etc are treated in these areas with the help of doctors, nurses and pharmacists. Most of the patients are in the ICU or main medical floors.

I am completing the rotation with two other students from Drake and the preceptor is a Drake professor and alum. It is only my second day but the preceptor, my fellow rotation students, the nurses, the medical fellows and the doctors all seem welcoming and interested in helping students learn. The preceptor so far is a great teacher and I think I will like the rotation.

I know that my long break, which seemed as long as an eye blink, did not help my memory or education but it was deserved. I now need to get back into the groove of studying and learning. This rotation will definitely teach me a lot but only after some very hard work on my part....
Here we GO!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good Luck and learn, learn, learn!