Friday, January 28, 2011

Sad To Leave

I HATE saying goodbye. Whether it is just leaving a party, finishing a phone conversation or seeing someone off at the airport, I absolutely dread saying goodbye. It makes me sad as if I may never see that person/people again. I would rather just leave or sneak out without saying anything because then it does not feel so permanent or sad.

So now comes the time, I have to say goodbye to Des Moines. My last rotation in Des Moines is complete and now I am off to Chicago for my next rotation. I have sold all my furniture, packed up my apartment and will be spending my last night in my apartment.

This is not to say I will never return to Des Moines (considering I have graduation in May), but leaving the place that I have been for the past six years brings a tear to my eye. I know I will miss my apartment, miss the lack of traffic and miss the low cost of living.

I will not say goodbye, since I cannot bring myself to do it. Instead, I will say "Until Next Time, Des Moines."

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