Friday, January 7, 2011

Rumor Vs. Truth #2

RUMOR: Taking aspirin at bedtime LOWERS blood pressure.

TRUTH: Patients who take aspirin 100 mg at bedtime can see a drop of about 6/4 points in systolic/diastolic blood pressure. But taking the same dose in the morning does NOT give this same benefit. This may seem counter intuitive since we associate NSAIDs with decreased renal function, edema, and increased blood pressure. Aspirin inhibits the powerful vasoconstrictor angiotensin II...which is most active at night. This might explain the dip in BP.

Some experts suggest that nighttime aspirin may even delay the progression of pre-hypertension to hypertension. It's too soon to say that the same blood pressure lowering effects will be seen in patients taking just 81 mg aspirin daily. There's not enough evidence aspirin at bedtime is more beneficial at preventing outcomes that matter...stroke, heart attacks, etc.

RUMOR: Vick's Vaporub can be used to treat nail fungus.

TRUTH: Many people with nail fungus say that applying Vicks VapoRub seems to help. There may be something to it.

Vicks VapoRub contains a mixture of menthol, eucalyptus oil, camphor, and thymol. These ingredients are active against several fungal organisms that cause onychomycosis.

One observational study suggests that applying Vicks VapoRub to the infected toenail daily until it grows out appears to clear the infection in some patients. This isn't enough proof to say that it works. But given the high cost and risk of side effects with systemic therapy, it may be worth a try in mild cases.

Tea tree oil is another natural treatment that's sometimes tried by patients; however, there is not sufficient evidence to recommend its use for nail fungus.

Topical treatments have to be used faithfully for at least 6 months. This is because topicals work by inhibiting new fungal growth and it takes at least that long for new nail to grow in.

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