Sunday, March 14, 2010

What Does It Mean?

I am a VERY light sleeper. I can get to sleep but do not stay asleep easily. Very often I have trouble sleeping because I have very weird dreams at night. My dreams are sometimes wonderful, sometimes scary, sometimes sad and sometimes exciting but the dreams are ALWAYS unimaginable in terms of what goes on. (I have never taken Chantix, but if you have ever taken the medication Chantix, you know what kind of dreams I am talking about)

I usually cannot remember my dreams for a long time, but I have one particular dream that occurs at least once a month. In this dream I am being chased by an evil woman. The dream takes place in my hometown. The woman constantly follows me and tries to scare me, torment me and hurt me. I continue to run away, hide and try to get rid of her. I try to tell people that this woman is trying to hurt me but no one seems to understand how scared I am. I even try to hurt the women by kicking her, pushing her in front of moving cars and fighting her off. I constantly yell in public so that people come and take her away. As much as I try to get rid of her, this evil woman still finds me, comes back from the dead and torments me.

My dreams are never this scary as this is the worst one I have. How do I get rid of an imaginary demon chasing me? What does this all mean?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As with the last post, it's "woman" not "women". But interesting as always, thanks!