Thursday, March 4, 2010

All Brown Bread is Wheat Bread?

At a clinic the other day I was explaining lipid panels to a patient. We were going over her LDL, HDL, and Triglyceride levels as well as ways to improve her overall cholesterol scores and risks for heart disease.

Me: In order to lower your overall cholesterol level and risk for heart disease, you want to increase your HDL or good cholesterol as much as you can.

Patient: I see. Well Do I have to take medicine for that?

Me: Well there are some ways to raise your HDL without medication. I would suggest to try those first. The best ways to raise your HDL is to get sufficient exercise each week and maintain a healthy diet.

Patient: I can do the exercise part. I will walk around my house more often.

Me: Try to avoid excessive amounts of sweets or fried foods and stick with whole wheat breads rather than processed white breads.

Patient: I already do that. I buy the white bread but only eat the brown crusts and throw away the white part.

Not all brown bread is created equal or is created as wheat bread. But thanks for making me smile!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So how do I get white bread from wheat bread?