Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Succeeding in College

What I have learned over the years that I can offer as advice about how to succeed in college.

1. "It's a small world after all" (Disney characters singing in the background). It truly is a small world and you never know who you will see again, work for in the future and ask for help later in life.

2. Do NOT BURN bridges. This goes along with the previous suggestion. It is NOT worth a petty argument, difference in opinions or poor manners to create tension or even worse an enemy.

3. There is no PERFECT college. (Sorry Drake and every other college in the world). College is all about what you make of it so the actual school will not make or break your experience. Obviously some exceptions to this (example: if the school does not have your major) but overall what you put into your college experience is what you are going to get out no matter what the name of the school sits on top of your diploma.

4. Get as much out of classes as you can. Your paying a LOT of money to the school so you might as well go to classes and labs. I know this sounds cheesy, your education cannot be taken away from you, so try to get as much of it as you can. Usually people do not realize how value able something is until it is gone. Applies to school too in the fact that you miss getting that education once it's done (now you have to teach yourself)

5. Have an open mind to new ideas. You no longer have to accept everything people tell you as correct. You can question other people and more importantly you can question yourself.

6. Try new things/experiences. Not condoning trying risky/illegal things but try new cultures, new foods, new friendships, etc. College is all about finding out who you are, what you like and who you want to be. The only way to figure these things out is by taking advantage of new opportunities.

7. Do NOT sign up for credit cards or other offers just because they are offering a free tote. There is no free lunch in life. There is probably some kind of catch, so be careful! If it seems to good to be true, it usually is.

8. Your parents can no longer fight your battles or be your babysitters (and they probably do not want to either). You need to learn to grow up and take care of yourself. They cannot get you out of a ticket, they cannot get your grades changed and they cannot get rid of your unbearable roommate. (and they no longer will order your medications for you, so learn what medications you take, WHY you take them, and how to manage them)

To Be Continued...

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