Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Do You Sell...?

Last night at work in the pharmacy, the bell for the drive through rang as one person drove up in lane 1 and another person drove up in lane two. I went over to help both but helped the woman in the first lane to start with. The woman told me her name and verified her address as all patients are required to do. Then I asked the patient if she wanted both of the medications that were ready for her.

Patient: No I do not need the ibuprofen for my child because I have some at home.

Me: Alright, well did the doctor talk to you about the medications.

Patient: Yeah, I don't have any questions about the medications, but do you have soup?

Me: What do you mean?

Patient: Do you have soup to give out?

Me: No I do not have soup. Do you mean, does the store sell soup?

Patient: Yes, can I buy a bowl of soup?

Me: We sell packaged soups in cans or bottles. You would have to come in the store for that.

Patient: Oh, well I want a hot bowl of soup.

Patient drives away a bit disappointed.
I ask myself...What just happened???

I pick up the microphone from lane 2 to try to move on to the next patient.

Patient lane 2: Do you have any soup? (as she laughs and smiles hysterically the window)

Me: Thank you for making me smile and laugh! (as I chuckle along with her)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You should cook up a BIG pot of soup and pass it out to the customers.