Monday, April 5, 2010

Cancer Is Interesting

Recently, in two of my classes we have begun reviewing cancer topics. We have been discussing cancer medications, side effect management (including pain and nausea), therapy alternatives and the varieties of cancers. We have never been exposed to this topic so in depth until now and I find it to be very interesting. The progression of cancer seems unfair yet can be logically explained in most cases.

The most depressing part of the topics is that cancer is usually not cured. With all the medications and therapies available, most times the best things we can do for cancer patients is to make their quality of life better. There are an abundance of chemo medications yet they are not wonder drugs. They can only go so far and cause so many side effects. I could not imagine trying to battle cancer, while going through all the treatments (that take up the majority of your time) and while trying to deal with all the side effects.

Discussing these topics in class has caught my interest. Knowing how horrible the disease is, motivates me to seek out better and more efficacious treatments for these diseases. I think it is important to help these patients truly understand their therapies as well as make their lives as good as possible while being treated. Oncology (study of cancer) is a new area of interest for me. I am even more excited knowing that my rotation with the FDA is in their oncology department. There are so many aspects that I have yet to cover but cannot wait to start making a difference for some patients!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What do you think about the idea that cancer is a fungus, and it's possible to get rid off it with natural medicine that does not regulated and many times prohibited by FDA?

just google or you tube ' cancer is a fungus ' to know what I mean.