Monday, November 30, 2009

GRRR...Hear me ROAR!

I feel about...GRRRRRRRR.....right now!

I have my life on my laptop. By life I mean it feels like a lifeline for me. This statement seems somewhat sad when I say it out-loud but it is too true in this day and age when everything is done electronically. My laptop is my connection to the web, to this blog, to my friends/family, to my classes, and pretty much the world. The laptop stored my pictures, my music, my class notes, my resumes, my CVs, my essays, my grade book, my power point presentations, my financial spreadsheets, my electronic records or passwords or account numbers, copies of online verification pages, and ALL of my gosh darn HARD WORK!

Unfortunately, last Wednesday, my laptop decided it was time to go. The hard drive on the laptop crashed. As Murphy's law would have it, I had been talking about backing up all the information on my laptop for about a month prior to this traumatic day but had not yet gotten to doing that file copying. So sadly, I LOST EVERYTHING! I am crushed that all my hard work could be taken away in mere milliseconds in a day and age where electronics can store information indefinitely.

The moral of the story... I MUST back up all of my information on future electronic devices and I rely on computers TOO MUCH! I will just blame my generation and current society for the later fault.

So this week I feel like GRRRRR..... HEAR ME ROAR!!!

PS. If you know anyone who can retrieve information from hard drives or has an extra computer I could use temporarily....LET ME KNOW!!


Anonymous said...

Looks like cyber monday just took on a new meaning for you. Sorry to hear that.

You could read up a bit online or watch some youtube videos on hardware crashes to get an idea if it's fixable, or find a local computer repair centers (don't go to Best Buy, they will screw you over)

If you can't recover any data, I would suggest scanning through your e-mail accounts for attachments if you shared any of the documents you have mentioned.

Still, looks like you'll be looking for a new laptop or at least a new hard drive as an early Christmas present.

If so, try catching some of the bargains at They have a ton of choices.

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry the stupid thing crashed, however, all things considered, I want to commend you on handling this with a VERY level head. It totally sucks..don't get me wrong, but the bright side, (if you chose to look there) is that you can now look for a NEW computer!! Try the suggestion from the previous post. Your brother in law would LOVE to talk computers with you!!

Unknown said...

did you end up buying a new computer?