Friday, December 4, 2009

A Present in Time for the Holidays!

As I arrived to work Wednesday morning, the manager told me that someone had left a gift for the pharmacy staff back near the pharmacy. I politely smiled and nodded, thinking he was joking as usual. When I got to the pharmacy, at the back of the store, all I could hear was laughing and as soon I heard the story:

A middle aged women had come into the store about an hour prior to my arrival. She had some prescriptions to get filled. She sat down and waited for the scripts. She was getting angry because the scripts were taking long to get ready. She got up and down from her seat a few times to check the status of her medication and to get somewhat aggressive with the staff. Finally she came to the counter as the staff was finishing the medicine. They politely asked her to take a seat for 2 more minutes. The women refused to sit back down. She got her medicines in about 2 minutes, paid and left the pharmacy.

About five minutes later a different customer came to the pharmacy counter and told the pharmacist that someone had left a gift for the pharmacy near the seating area. The pharmacist looked over and what did she see?


Yes, poop sitting underneath the seat that the previous women had been sitting in. The managers were called over to clean the area (lucky for them). They then reviewed the tap from the security camera and saw that the women had in fact dropped her feces and pushed it underneath the chair.

Was this a present of thanks? Was this a joke? Was this a sign of her anger towards the pharmacy? Was this a mistake?

All I know is disgusting, intriguing, funny and just plain weird! It just adds to my notebook of stories from work. I could not make this story up!

We appreciate holiday gifts, but not of the smelly nature!


Anonymous said...

Ya know, there are some things that you just cannot make up. This is a new one for me....thanks Dot.

Theo said...

Whoah! I would kill to see the security footage haha.